Eternal grace

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Emily stood on the cliff. She had destroyed her family's life! She hated herself and was going to end it. Hayley ran through the woods trying to reach her before she did it. Hayley found her just as she was jumping off. "NOOO!!" Hayley let out in a shrieking voice. She fell to her knees, tears filling her eyes and her vision blurring. She screamed. She kicked. She ran out of breath and with all her power she got up and screamed. She began looking around to see if anyone was around. No one. Well maybe there was but she couldn't tell through the tears. Her phone wasn't in her pocket. It must've fell out of her jacket. She yelled for help. Then she fell down weak. She couldn't yell. Her whole body was paralyzed. Her throat and mouth dried up. She couldn't see anything through the blurring tears. She could barely breath.


How it started.

3 months ago my family was happy and wonderful. I was happy. My mom and dad were happy. My brother Jackson was happy. It was great. "Emily!" My mom yelled from the kitchen downstairs. I got out of my bed and ran down to see what se wanted. "Yeah?" I said with a big grin. "I won't be home till 3. Stay here with Jackson." She demanded. She knows I'm 15 and responsible. I always make straight "A's". I guess she was just a worry wart! "Ok." I said without arguing. I ran back upstairs. I should've asked her to buy me a sprite! I ran back down, but she was gone. Dang it! I always miss her! I picked my phone up from the counter. I had 3 texts. They were all from my best friend Hayley. She always text me. Seriously. Nonstop. I answered and laughed at her silly message. I loved Hayley! We have been best friends since 4th grade. I changed out of my pajamas. I pulled my hair up, my stupid curly hair. Hayley loved my hair but I hated it. I started hating it in 8th grade when people started making fun of me. They made rumors up about me saying that I had a disease. Just because my eyes are dark dark blue. Dark ocean blue to eat technical. I love my eyes! Oh well that was two years ago. Jackson came down stairs. He recently started football. Yay! Football season. I hate football! My parents, Jane and Luke, made me go to every game. Jackson was my best guy friend. Even though he was my brother. We always picked on each other in a playful way. He was my role model. Then Miley Cyrus came out. I spent the rest of the day bored then supper came. We have to sit together at the table every night. I took my regular seat. Everyone was eating. I knew I shouldn't have asked, but I asked my dad about my grandma. She is dying of cancer. I think she is strong enough to survive though. He got mad at me and yelled at me. I got very emotional at that point. "Well I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I care about her! You don't! Who will?!" I yelled and ran to my room still hungry. I locked the door and called Hayley crying. "Hayley he yelled again." I cried. "Em calm down." She said. "No I can't! You should have seen his face. He looked like he was going to kill me." I cried. She began to talk but was interrupted by me yelling. My dad busted through my door. He started to hit me and kick me. He pushed me into my closet. Then kicked me in the stomach. I tried to run. My mom tried to help me. My nose was bleeding he pushed my mom out and locked me in my room. I cried and screamed and coughed up some blood. My chest was burning and my side felt broken. Hayley was still on my phone yelling for me. I tried to get up and get my phone but fell. I was way to weak. "HAYLEY!" I yelled. "HAYLEY HELP ME!" I yelled again. I passed out.

The sun shone in my eyes the next morning. There was dry blood all around my mouth and some on the floor. I got up sore and weak. I grabbed my phone shaking. Hayley had texted me 37 times. I texted her and told her I was fine even though she knew I was lying. I got ready for school when I noticed my swollen hand. There was also a scratch across my face. I covered it up with some foundation and it stung severely! I tried my best to look good. Hayley would fix me up on the bus. I ran downstairs the best I could and grabbed my books and purse then ran out of the door to my bus stop.

The bus came and I got on. Hayley got on a few minutes later. We talked about what happen and she fixed me up. I look pretty now! The school day went by fast and my scar went though the foundation and everyone asked me about it. I lied and told them I fell while skating. I got home later that day and Jackson was yelling at me over his girlfriend breaking up with him. He blamed me for it. At dinner I was quiet. I barely ate anything. Jackson shoved a pizza roll in my mouth. "I hate you." He said. That broke my heart why would he say that? I thought he was my bestfriend! "Good! Everyone else does to." I yelled making my mom jump a little. My dad sighed and unbuckled his belt and started taking it off. I ran out knowing what he was going to do. He would hit me with it and I wasn't about to let him. I ran out into the street. I heard Jackson's motorcycle start and it was coming after me. It was right behind me and I saw headlights coming around the corner. I jumped into the bushes and Jackson didn't release the gas. He wasn't watching the road. A semi truck was coming. "JACKSON!!" I yelled. Then my life flashed before my eyes. It hit him and I knew he was dead. The driver stopped and got out. He ran to his truck after seeing Jackson. He called 911. At this time my parents were running to me and Jackson. I was pushing his chest he couldn't die on me. My dad yelled at me crying. He blamed me and smacked me. I cried hard now. I even yelled. The whole neighborhood surrounded us. I heard sirens coming up the road. There was yellow crime tape everywhere. Hayley ran up with her mouth wide open. She climbed under the tape and ran to me. Her mouth was still open and she was crying. She hugged me. We both fell to our knees crying. It was one of the worst things that will happen to me within these 3 months...


After Death

It's been a month since Jackson's death. Hayley was mad at me for yelling at her. I think she was more hurt than mad though. My whole life was ruined. I was beaten. I was starved. I had already lost 42 pounds in a month. Jackson's death was still in mourning by the whole town. My dad started drinking. I came home last night and my parents were fighting. A week later they would be divorced. My grandma was still kickin. I was grateful for at least having her. She was always there if I needed her. Her cancer was getting worse and I just knew she was going to die. Then I wouldn't have anyone. No one? I need someone.


Saturday my mom and dad got divorced. I pulled on my black dress and black gloves. I brushed my hair and put my makeup on. I got into the car with my mom. I fell asleep and woke up parked at the funeral home. I held back tears. The one person I had is now grandma. A tear quietly fell down my check. She looked so happy and peaceful in that coffin with gold string at the edges. I kissed her cold dead body. Then broke into tears. While everyone finished up I waited in the car.


My mom became an alcoholic and my dad became a drug dealer. I never went to school because no one woke me up. Hayley hasn't texted me in a month and nothing is going right.

Monday morning:

I woke up for school. I got ready and looked really good. My hair was a mess though. Oh well Haley will fix it. I got on the bus and we went to Haley's stop. She didn't even look at me instead she sat in the very back. I felt like crying. I had to fix my hair by myself. The school day went by pretty fast. I had a lot of homework and make up work. In biology Haley rolled her eyes at me. She an her new friend sat behind me. They talked about me all class and made fun of me. I got home and went to my laptop. I wrote on Facebook:

"I am tired of the stress and pain. I thought Haley out of all people would be there for me. No I have no one. No one cares! Do you know how that feels! I cry to sleep every night. So you know what.... I'll just end it all at the place Haley and me always went when we were upset. Good bye."

I got on a nice shirt and some nice pants. I went outside and walked to a cliff were me and Haley went. It would be a long walk but oh well. Haley sent me 57 messages. She said sorry and everything but I didn't reply or change my mind. I just kept walking.


At Haley's house. "Mom please take me please!" She cried. "No! I have stuff to do!" Her mom yelled. "She was right no one cares! Never talk to me again mom I hate you!" Haley yelled and ran out. She started running to the cliff. By this time Emily was at the cliff. She was scared. She just stared down for a minute. She looked all around and began to cry.Hayley ran through the woods trying to reach her before she did it. Hayley found her just as she was jumping off. "NOOO!!" Hayley let out in a shrieking voice. She fell to her knees, tears filling her eyes and her vision blurring. She screamed. She kicked. She ran out of breath and with all her power she got up and screamed. She began looking around to see if anyone was around. No one. Well maybe there was but she couldn't tell through the tears. Her phone wasn't in her pocket. It must've fell out of her jacket. She yelled for help. Then she fell down weak. She couldn't yell. Her whole body was paralyzed. Her throat and mouth dried up. She couldn't see anything through the blurring tears. She could barely breath. She got up and climbed down the cliff cutting her leg. She went to Haley. She was bleeding and pale. She felt for a pulse..... Emily was dead. "Help!! Please someone help me!" She cried as her voice echoed. A boat was coming their way in a distance. "Someone hey! Over here please!' Haley yelled. It was foggy but the boat came over to them. They called the police and the police and ambulance came..

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