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* beeeepp beeeepp * my alarm clock goes off, I pick it up and throw it, maybe just a little harder then I intended to, it shatters.
           I groan and haul myself out of bed. I open my curtains, it's nice sunny day maybe a little to bright for my liking but I get over it and drag myself to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and I pull my hair into a high ponytail. Slowly walking myself back to my room I hear my mum yell " Marie we are going on a road trip to your Nana's , pack your bags for two weeks !!! ". I put some black denim jeans on with a plain white t-shirt and throw my Mac pac over top and put on my peach converse. I pack my bag full of clothes and my Nikes.
       Hi my name is Marie Rose Johnson. I am 15 years old and I have two younger sisters ( Shanelle and Jessica ) there twins at the age 7 and a younger brother ( Jake ) and I have a dog named Ralph. Oh and my Mom ( 37 ) and Dad ( 40 ) there names are Caitlyn and Bruce.
I walk down the stairs still half awake, half way down the stairs I face plant and my bag full of my clothes fall on me. Well that definitely woke me up.

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