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September 1st 2013

Hi, my name is Claire. I am 14 just about to turn 15 on the 18 of September. So... most of my friends are older than me! Ya! Woopie! Young me!

We have just a few more days until school starts! So just a few more days of summer and then I'm back into that weekly school theme.


It's 11:47 and I'm just crawling into bed. I pull the covers up nice and tight but keep my arms out from under them. I only sleep with a fuzzy blanket and a sheet, no comforter but I have one at the bottom of my bed. Then, right next to me is an even more fuzzy blanket but I like to call it my travel blanket! I take it to sleepovers and stuff. I've been doing that since I was like 11.

I think about what I will be doing tomorrow. Most likely just hanging out with a friend. Or maybe I could hang out with a bunch of my friends!

I know I'm not going to be well rested but I just can't sleep! All I can do is think. Laying there with my eyes wide open staring into darkness while my brain races. Grrrrr.... I just wish I could sleep. Now I know this may sound like I like to sleep but to be honest, I hate it! Ummmm well maybe not hate it but I don't like to sleep in because I find that it wastes part of my day, and days are short anyway so I need that part of the day.

I ended up falling asleep and dreaming. I dreamed about that I was a very popular singer but someone hated me... my very first boyfriend ever, and he came to one of my concerts and shot me in the arm than the leg than the heart. I know you can't die in your own dream but I did and that is when I woke up!

"Gosh. That was strange!" I shutter. " Me? Being a singer? What a joke!" It was kinda creepy though that I was shot!

I wake up around 7:52 in the morning . Oh my gosh!!!!! It's almost 8! I jump out of my bed, my hair going in all different detection and ran to my dresser. I decided to wear some plain kinda light blue shorts and a bright lime green and white top. My top had cut sleeves so part of my shoulder was showing. And I have an undershirt under it cause it see through.

I text up lots of my friends and ask them if they want to go to the movies with me and watch Scarry Movie 5. I get a reply from Jenny, Spencer, Alex, Emily, Hanna, Reighle, Amber, Ella and May. Everyone but May can come.

I ran up the stairs to the kitchen and have a bowl of cereal. Then I run down the hall and pop my head into my moms room and say that I'm going out with my friends. She just groans cause I woke her up. I decide to text and tell her where I am going that way she will remember. I run out the door, down the driveway and I walk on my way to Hanna's house. When I get there Spencer, Alex, Emily ,Reighle and Amber are there. We are just waiting on Ella and Jenny! Leave it up to Jenny to take her time!


Jenny is just a little bit taller than I am and I'm not to tall at but oh well what does it matter anyway!?!?! Her hair is rather long and a dirty blond like me but I don't have to long of hair. She has bangs to tie everything together.She on the other hand thinks that her hair is blond. She loves sports and is in shape. Her eyes are brown. She wears green and purple glasses.


Spence is rather tall, has short blond hair and if you call her a dumb blond then your just dumb. She is very athletic and in shape. She is very nice and always has a positive attitude! Her eyes are a blue grey.


Alex is a bit short but taller than me, she has dirty blond hair that is short and loves sports. She is nice and rough at the same time! She is also in shape and loves to hang out with her friends. Her eyes are brown.


Emily is tall but shorter than Spencer, has middle length hair and it is a deep brown colour. She has a side bang. She is in shape, loves to have fun and loves to do her hair. Which she is great at doing. Her eyes are brown.


Reighle is rather tall but I'm not sure if Spencer is taller. She has more of brown than blond but it has some blond. She likes to play soccer and is a good goalie! Her eyes are brown. She enjoys hanging out with her friends and is very nice to like everyone. She is skinny.


Amber is taller than I am and maybe a bit taller than Alex. She has really bark drown hair that is middle length. She is very crafty and loves to hang out with she friends. She is also on the thin side with all of us. Her eyes are brown.


Hanna has rather long legs which make her kinda tall. She had blond hair that is shoulder length. She loves to have parties just like me. She likes to hang out with friends. Her eyes are blue-hazel. She is skinny too!


Ella is tall with her long legs. She wears glasses and has brown eyes. Her hair is a little longer than shoulder length. The colour of her hair is drown with little blond streaks, here and there. She loves to hang out with friends and is kinda funny. she is also in the skinny club.

Ella finally arrived. Then we were just wait for Jenny. When Jenny arrived we were playing truth or dare in Hanna's basement.

Hanna's mom answered the door and came to the basement to tell us that Jenny was here but we didn't have to move because right then Jenny came thumping down the stairs.

" You guys are playing truth or dare without me??" she asked. Sarcasm tinting in her voice.

"Ya!" I said with the same amount of sarcasm.

We stopped playing truth or dare and started to play kiss, marry and murder. That way we found out more of the secrets in everyone. We were waiting for 2:00 to come so we could go to the movies.

Right around 12:52 we decided to go for a walk. We walked by Tanner's house to see Tanner and Jake playing basketball, shirtless.


He is kinda tall. He has drown hair and brown eyes and rather long eyelashes. He is cousins with Jake. He is athletic and skinny. He has a sense of humor and loves to hang out with his friends and likes girls.


Jake has dirty blond hair and brown eyes. He is a little taller than Jenny so a little taller than me but smaller than Tanner. He is cousins with Tanner. He is a lot like Tanner. He is athletic and loves to hang out with friends and likes girls. He also funny. Like, the only difference between them is that I've dated one of them... Jake.

"Hey, whatcha doing?" Tanner asked.

"Nothing" Emily said a bit to fast.

" I don't know, ski diving. What does it look like were walking here." Alex said.

"Okay, okay!" Jake replied.

"It's just there's a big group and Claire is here," Tanner says.

"Excuse me!" I but in.

" Well ..... Were passing time cause we are going to the movies to see Scary Movie 5." Hanna said.

" And you didn't invite us?????" Tanner and Jake say at the same time.

" Ya cause nobody likes you!" I joke around.

"Well do you want to come?" Jenny asks. "Huh we can invite Joseph and Daniel too!"

"Heck ya" they say.

" Oh Jenny, so in love." I mutter.

"Excuse me ! Daniel is so not my tipe!" She says.

We all laugh.

Authors note:

Hey guys I hope you like my book. It's my first book so go easy on me. I not the best at spelling, I'm okay but if I get a word wrong don't blame me blame word correction. So....... Please comment and vote and enjoy reading. Also tell your friends about the book if you would like.

Sara ;)

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