Torn... chapter 1-5

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so here's my other one direction fan fic that i wrote for my twitter @1D_aregods (go follow me)  so hope you like it, if you do and you have twitter let me know and tell your friends :) xxx

Chapter 1

“Lillie come on open up” he was banging on my door “seriously we’re gonna be late…again”. “coming” I shouted and grabbed my bag and raced to the door just as Shane my older brother opened the door to let harry in, I’d been late every day this week and harry had waited every day and been late with me, I dunno why though cos he was just getting himself into trouble with me, but harry is my best friend, we’d been friends ever since I moved here to live with my dad 8 years ago. we always do everything together and that’s just the way I like it, I totally have feelings for harry feelings that you probably shouldn’t have for your best friend but he is just perfect with his soft brown curls and his twinkling green eyes, that right now are staring straight in to mine. “Seriously we’ve been late all this week and if we don’t move it we’ll be in detention all next week” he said trying not to smile, that’s another thing about him his smile is the most beautiful smile ever. “ok I think I’m done lets go” I said holding the door open to leave “I hope you’re ready to walk” he said “cos your hair has just made us miss the bus” oh no I couldn’t walk we had to be at school in 15minutes and it’s a good 30minute walk from my house to school, not today, I couldn’t, I already had miss brown on my case and one more late and I ‘d never hear the last of it. “Oh Shane” I said turning sweetly to my brother who had his head in the fridge and a mouthful of food, he came out from the fridge looked at me and swallowed the huge mouthful he was eating “oh hell no lil no way am I taking you to school again it’s you own fault so deal with it” ah man he was gonna be difficult, just then my oldest brother Michael came down the stairs grabbed his car keys and went to leave “Michael Michael Michael” I shouted “huh” he turned “lift please! Shane won’t take us and dad and Lucy have already left and if we’re late one more time Miss Brown is gonna kill us” he sighed “fine jump in I can drop you off on the way to work” “thank you! You’re the best mikey” I said sticking my tongue out at Shane who did the same as he sunk down in a chair with a plate of food. “Let’s go then” harry said holding the door for me. We quickly got in the car and Michael sped off towards the school.

Chapter 2

We made it into school with about five minutes to spare entering our form room still receiving the usual frosty glare from Miss Brown. We quickly went to our seats with our group on the far side of the room away from Miss Brown. Our group consisted of me and harry obviously then there was Louis and Elysia they were a couple they’d been together all through high school and were just so cute together. Then there was the new love birds Maisie and zayn, also there was Aimee and niall they’ve been together nearly a year and were just perfect together and then there’s my best girl friend Katie.

We’re were doing the usual group chat Maisie was sitting on zayn’s lap chatting away as usual and me, harry and Louis sitting on the table, the rest of us just lounging in chairs around us, when miss brown call the form to order for registration. “right class today as I have mentioned, to those who make it to school on time” she said turning her gaze towards me and harry, jeeze she really does like to dig at me, harry winked at me  “we have a new pupil in our class today he should be arriving soon so I would like you all to be polite and make him feel welcome” she addressed the class, just then there was a knock at the door it was Mrs sanders and a young boy he was gorgeous with sweeping brown hair and warm brown eyes, he looked nervous, well I would be too on my first day at a new school, he had to deal with miss brown and Mrs sanders which with the two of them talking seemed like forever poor boy. He was finally released from them and made his way to the free seat in front of us. “hi first day is tough huh” Louis asked the new boy, he turned to talk to him “err yeah a bit but it seems like a nice place” “yeah it’s alright so what’s ya name or do you like the name new boy” Louis joked, Liam frowned at being called that “oh its Liam, Liam Payne” he replied “nice to meet you Liam” Maisie said he smiled at her “we’re not all idiots like Louis” Elysia chirped in “hey” Louis protested ginning at her like an idiot, Liam laughed. The bell rang, we all started to get up and made our way to our first lesson “look if you wanna like sit with us and break and lunch and stuff feel free we’ll be under the tree on the field out there” harry said to Liam pointing in the direction  of our tree“ yeah that’ll be cool” he said “oh and errm which building for science this maps no help” “oh you’re in Mr barkers class first same as Lillie” harry said pointing to me I smiled “oh cool do you wanna walk with me then Liam” I asked “if you don’t mind” he said he said gratefully “no problem come on” I said “see you in English lil’” harry called “yup” I said and set off with Liam to the joys of Mr barker and science first thing on a Thursday morning.

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