No. I refuse.

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The morning sun rose through the window in my bedroom but something was off. I couldn't smell bacon. Mom always made bacon on sunday mornings. Along with pancakes and hashbrowns. She would make dad coffee and me hot chocolate, all these things creating a multitude of smells. Yet for some reason bacon was the only one I could ever smell. This was cause for major suspicion. It wasn't my birthday. It wasn't their anniversary. Today was just another Sunday and I didn't hear any loud banging or moaning through the walls (I didn't like that that happened but I knew it did so I accepted it.) so I shot up out of bed and ran to their bedroom flinging the door open. I was not prepared for what I saw. Mom and Dad had been ripped to shreds. Most girls would have thought a robber or even a wild animal but not me. I knew what it was.
My parents were hunters and they had been investigating a small pack of wolves that were killing local teenagers. I picked the case because I was finally old enough to help them on the case. My whole life I had been studying training to be just like them and now they were gone.
I sunk to the floor and reached for the phone that sat on their night stand. I dialed the only number I could remember at that point.
"Y'ella?" His voice seemed comforting in some way because I knew he only answered the phone like that for me and my parents.
"Uncle Bobby...somethings happened." I said my voice shaking.
That was 5 years ago. I now live with my god father or as I call him Uncle Bobby. He treats me like a daughter and even gives me some of his biggest hunts. But he knows I never work with anyone. Hunters shouldn't get attached to people because then...all they do is leave you in the end. I learned that the hard way.
I was walking through the door one night after a hunt I was covered in blood and sweat and I smelt like death, sulfur, and salt. What I had thought was going to be a simple salt and burn turned out to be a nest of vampires. I sat my bag on the table and noticed a silver laptop on the table.
'Joy...people!' I thought to myself grabbing a beer from the fridge. I walked into the study and saw 2 men standing there. I had never seen them or at least I can't remember ever having seen them.
One of them was tall with dark hair a long-ish face with green eyes. He wore dark wash jeans a black shirt and dark jacket with brown boots. The other one was even taller he had light brown hair brown eyes and was built like a statue. He wore old jeans with a small tear in them, a red flannel shirt rolled up to his elbows and brown boots as well. He was really cute.
'Me-ow.' I thought but then I had to mentally kick my own ass. This guy was a stranger...he was deathly attractive but he was a stranger...and hunters don't date.
I cleared my throat getting the attention of everyone in the room. Uncle Bobby's face lit up as he walked to me giving me a tight hug and a pinch on the cheek (I hated it when he did that.)
"There's my little princess." He said as he hugged me and turned around holding me in a side hug. "(f/n) this is..." he was cut off.
"Dean Winchester." The one with the green eyes said winking at me.
"Sam Winchester." The other one said not lifting his face from his book.
Uncle Bobby was not happy with any of this. He let go of my side and smacked both of them upside their heads.
"Winchester idjits this is my god daughter (f/n) (l/n). Show her respect. Since she's going to be helping you on this case." I propped my arms up on my hips and strolled around to the biggest one named Sam. I grabbed the book from his hands.
'Great wolves again!' I thought as I threw the book behind me holding back a small tear.
"No. I refuse." I said walking out of the room.

*Sam's POV*
We were at Bobby's house studying up on a case. He said that the hunter who would normally be handling it was away on another case.
It was a wolf case but for some reason Bobby insisted it was different. We were in the middle of researching when I heard the door open. I was only slightly paying attention when I heard the sound of boots coming through the kitchen. I turned my head to see who it was and I saw the most beautiful creature I've ever seen.
She was (y/h) with (s/t) skin. She had (e/c) eyes and (h/l) (h/c) hair. She had on a gray tank top with black skinny jeans a leather jacket with a gold zipper and black leather boots with gold studs.
I looked down fast before she saw me looking at her. She cleared her throat and we all looked up but I looked back down quickly. Bobby got up and hugged her. He introduced her as (f/n) (l/n) his god daughter. Dean introduced himself flirtatiously and I managed to choke out my name but I didn't want to see her I'd blush a little.
Bobby didn't like that since he smacked us both upside the head. He said she'd be helping us with the case. She seemed upset by the notion. She walked up in front of me and stole my book. She took one look and I saw a small tear build up in her eyes.
All she said was "No. I refuse." before she stormed out of the door.

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