Getting Spliced!

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I grabbed it from her hands in a rush and put it next to my ear. "Sam you need to find her before Travis finishes with her! Find her!" He shouted hanging up.

I looked back at Dean who seemed to be extremely anxious like me. "Okay buttercup I know you're scared but you need to tell us where this Travis guy is." Dean said in a stern voice looking her in the eyes.

"I dont know! I'm sorry!" She shouted before she fainted again.

I paced back and forth in the dimly lit living room waiting for her to wake up, my heart was racing faster with every second that passed. Dean sat at the large wooden dining room table reading dads journal to try and find anything to help. After about 30 minutes he stood straight up with his head hung low.

"What's happening?!" I blurted out on the verge of tears unable to control the words coming out of my mouth.

"Nothing Sammy! I can't find anything to help us here." He spat at me.

I flew over to the couch gently shaking her awake. "Please Dahlia try to remember where Travis took you. What all do you remember?!"

"I remember the room was all white but it was hardly ever lit. It had to have been underground because there were no windows and the walls were concrete." She grew silent for just a moment and then she looked up at Dean and me. "That's all I ever saw, the rest of the time I couldn't see. It hurt too much to open my eyes" She said in a shaking voice as she started to cry.

I felt my gut turn as the guilt rose up up in my throat. I knelt in front of her and hung my head. "I'm sorry. (F/N), the woman he took, is very important to me and our family. I know you're going through so much right now and you don't want to talk about it so I won't ask you again. But if it's okay with you, could we stay here to protect you and to find her."

As the tears slid down her cheeks she very slowly nodded her head. The next few days were spent in a blur Dahlia stuck close by Dean as I used all of my energy to find (F/N).

Days later Dahlia still couldnt recall much, except for a few things about what the rest of the underground lab looked like. I was growing more anxious every day, I was about to snap. Until about 9 days later Dean and myself had taken her out to grab a burger when she started to shake and get visibly uneasy.

"What's up Buttercup?" Dean asked, very clearly concerned.

"It's Analyse and Alistair!" She squeaked nearly diving under the table. "They know where shes being kept." She mumbled as she twitched around in her seat before hiding her face behind Dean's shoulder. 

Outside a man and woman walked by the window. Everything about them seemed synchronized from their clothes to their steps to their dead ahead soulless stares as they slid into a black dodge dart parked next to the diner.

"Jesus!" Dean jumped. "They look like something out of a movie!" He stated as we all got up. We made our way to Baby and began to follow them.

I maintained a decent distance from them while I tried to figure out where they were going. All I could think about was finding (F/N) and my brain started to assume the worst. My chest grew increasingly tighter with every minute.

"Explain to us again who those two are." I muttered in a cracking voice trying as hard as I could to not break down.

"Analyse and Alistair are Travis' kids I think. They're the ones who used to give me the injections."

"Injections?!" I yelped clenching a fist.

"I don't know what was in them but I do remember one was a gray color and it looked like thick smoke and the other two were deep red almost black and really thick. The injections always made me intensely sick so once Travis brought in (F/N) he said he didn't need me for his work anymore, but he needed me to deliver that message." She said looking down at her feet with tears in her eyes.

We followed them for a good 20 minutes before they finally stopped at a large open field. They got out of the car and walked towards the center where they seemed to drop into the ground. My eyes felt like they were going to pop out of my head. We all stepped out of the car.

"Oh no Buttercup you stay here." Dean ordered, she was not shy about obeying either.

Me and Dean made our way to center of the field when we saw it. A large hatch that had been sloppily covered in grass and branches. We uncovered the hatch door and made our way down the ladder. When we finally reached the bottom we were standing in a large room filled with chemistry equipment among various surgical supplies. We started looking around for any doors or passage ways. But when we finally found one before we could open it we heard a voice from behind us and we couldn't move.

"Well well well if it isn't the Winchester boys. Here to "save" my daughter AGAIN I would imagine." He said as we turned around. "But you see boys I can't let that happen this time." He said using a remote he had to turn on a large T.V. screen behind his head as we were turned towards the T.V. "I have been looking for her for 18 years because of you two morons and your uptight father. She is quite the specimen, after I gave her her first injection she adapted so well. I had her for 3 years before my work was halted by you two." He said with a slight snicker in his voice.

The screen showed her restrained in a large bed in an all white room. She was sweating and crying while Analyse and Alistair walked around her.

"But now, my work will continue." He moaned in a really unsettling way.

"No please! Not again!" She begged as they plunged large needles into each side of her neck. She screeched like a banshee distorting the screen of the T.V.

"Please stop!" She begged again as they took two more syringes and plunged them into her arms.

She screamed so loud it made the entire lab rattle, the room became filled with the sound of breaking glass and the clinking of metal and in the midst of this the screen shattered.

Travis chuckled as he spoke "Perfect! Shes ready for her first test. If this goes well we will be able to move onto the spinal injections faster than I thought." He chuckled as the other two from emerged from a trap door in the floor and walked over to us. "Wait here just a moment won't you boys?" He laughed before me and Dean hit the floor and everything went black.

When my eyes opened I saw her, she was bound to a chair with thick metal chains, that were bigger than she was, on the far side of the dim concrete room. She had her eyes covered with a piece of black cloth but that didn't matter much since she was too exhausted to even hold her head up. I saw Travis walk up behind her and pull her by the hair so her head was leaning up causing her to let out a pained squeak. He removed the covering over her eyes.

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