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 We have an incoming."

"General location?"

"Approximately two hours from encountering and swinging off Huna's orbit, and three days from passing our planet." A man in rumpled clothing stands before a large screen depicting the small Halley solar system, deep in thought.

"Have you mapped the destination it was deployed?" The first man asks, in a strict blue uniform. He addresses the other man directly and professionally, but the man is distracted and lost in thought at the screen. "Avram," The man in the blue uniform asks again. The man surprisingly keeps his patience.

"Ah, yes, sorry officer. It appears that the object has come from Solar System 1646. The object is not natural and not made by our kind," Avram says this all distractedly, lost in the hundreds of calculations on the screen. The officer looks at Avram surprisingly, as this was the first hard evidence of extra-terrestrial life that they had been searching for. This was characteristic of Avram though to be completely absorbed in the task he was doing.

The officer breaks protocol and asks Avram, "You're not surprised."

Avram looks up with bright green eyes filled with knowledge and excitement behind them. "Not at all. I would go on to explain the probability of other intelligent life, but I'm sure I would bore you, and we both have work to do. But no, I am not surprised at all. I feel merely excited that this discovery as occurred in my lifetime." Avram quickly turns back to his work, calculating possible ways to intercept the object in space. However, he knew it was unlikely they would be able to grab a ship in time to bring in the object. Most ships were on the other side of the solar system, mining the other planets.

The officer, a Mitari, nods his head as feelings of apprehension and disbelief fill him. Avram may not have been surprised, but he was. He was among the many of his breed and species that believed their focus should remain to their own solar system. He never really thought about the possibility of other intelligent life. However, such existential thoughts also were characteristic of his breed. The officer sighs, trying not to think about the uproar this would cause. Their would be many arguments of whether they should attempt to track, learn more about, and contact this other clearly intelligible species.

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