Adventure Time Quotes
As I heard them...
Come back you buttchicken
The water current is so strong it will turn your butt inside out
It's the only way, you ugly smelling fat head
You need some foo foo's for your boo boo's
Oh look what I found, a vertical's a spider web dude
All you food are all like in kahutes, not to be food
I guess we're never gonna eat again cause i catch the food and your butt is disfunctional
I learnt something , you shouldn't eat your husband
Spider:"are you stupid or something" Finn:"yeah I'm stupid"
Cause those trees were evil
Golden as a wheaty sunset
The marshmallows never run from a fight, today we are manmellowes
Wands are for weeps
Put your hams away, I don't want to spank your ham
When I became king, I didnt think you'd show me your rears
Jake, why does the insides of your smell like vanilla
I think I'm going to take of my booties, I cant turn these pages
What type of dude builds a cave inside a cave
We're ninjas , no. Your jerks
I will bring on those nutes after I'm bare-boots
You can hold Jakers hand, if you need to
Your so scared of your fear, we should start a buisness of being scared of the ocean
Don't try to struggle, I will let you out on a minute
Let's go cure your fear where the sun don't shine, in the sea cucumber
Everybody has a flaw, and yours is living in my stinking gut
Balloon music is the future
I'll go get us some snacktyjuice
This bear is top blooby
Jake, you ate all my Finn cakes, what the stink?
Get out of here bubblebutt
Rainicorn don't eat them
I love you "everything burrito"
Those cuties ain't nothing than an afternoon delight
These guys aren't s threat to anyone, there a threat to themselves
Oh My Glob
It's the Banana Man
Dude, stop saying all this crazy messed up stuff, I'm 13, your messing me up
He built his house on the sun?!!?
Banana Man get on board, we have a date with destiny
Fiona something's wrong, my tail is totally frizzing out
Your as innocent as a baby's butt
I'd carve my face on the moon, so the moon, looks like my face
Imagine eating that apple with your own mouth
Let's go fight and eat the heck out of that crystal apple
Adventure Time Quotes
AdventureJust a couple of quotes I heard while watching Adventure Time, I thought I should share them with you. I laughed a lot. :)