Chapter Seven

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Once the sun had set and it seemed safe enough I went in search of the young female. I walk down the hall to my mothers old room. I raise my hand to knock and hold it there for a few seconds contemplating the decision at hand. I could forget and she could stay here with me. Unwillingly of course but at least I wouldn't have to say goodbye. Sighing I drop my hand onto the door and knock several times before standing there and waiting. And waiting. And, guess what? Waiting. After a while I opened the door and scoped the room out looking for Melanie. 

She was no where to be found within the room, so I went downstairs to see if she may be down there. As I descend the stairs I look around the room to see if she may be any where in here. Of course I had no luck in this  room either. I then peeked my head into the kitchen to find her scouring through my fridge. Sighing I walk in before interrupting her search for nourishment.

"Don't you think you could wait until we get back to your world?" I ask my arms crossed in front of my chest. 

"Sorry didn't know when we were going to be leaving and I was curious as to what may be hiding in here" She said the last part while addressing the fridge, but looked at me the whole time otherwise.

"Fair enough" I say before remembering that time is ticking and there isn't much of it. "Are you ready to go? We don't have much time" I quickly glance at the clock my eyes widening before turning towards the girl knowing that if we don't leave now she will be stuck for another night, and if people don't see me soon they will suspect that I'm dead or missing. They may end up searching for me. I quickly make up my mind and grab the girl carrying her tightly within my arms as I dart out of the house and towards the end of the street.

"What are you doing?!" Melanie yelled looking at me the fear evident in her eyes. "Put me down! Put me down right this instant!" She yelled starting to get hysterical.

"Look you need to trust me" I said looking down at her for just a second hoping to get the idea across to her. "It's not safe they are going to be coming out soon" I say slightly picking up speed and clutching her closer to me. Holding onto her for dear life I start coming up to the turn up ahead. Hopefully out of dangers path too.

 Once I am finally to the end of the street I take a left running towards the looming gate. Finally reaching it I start tapping in the code for her area starting to slightly panic. If they realized that I brought a human in they wouldn't allow her area code through. After a minute or two the gate way finally opens causing me to breath a sigh of relief. Running through I take the girl to the sidewalk out by the street before releasing her from my grasp. It just gets better and better doesn't it? Looking towards the west the sun is about to start setting. Looking towards Melanie I watch the evening light cast dancing shadows on to her face causing her to be mesmerizing. She just stares at the setting sun like she has never seen one before. Quickly snapping out of it I grab her and start dragging her towards her apartment knowing  that any one of my neighbors would love to turn her. They wouldn't mind having someone as pretty as her as a new member of the nest. Melanie starts to protest all of the sudden so turning around towards the female I stop waiting for her to explain why she is getting so weird all of the sudden.

"What do you want with me in the first place?" She whispers out not meeting my eye.

"Your safety" I say before dragging her towards the apartments once more.

"But why? Why do I even matter to you?" She asks while pulling her hand out of my grasp before pulling it to herself and clutching her arms around herself as if she were cold. Although I know she is not cold.

"Honestly? I don't know. All I know is that I cannot let you get hurt, so please go to your apartment and don't let anyone in, okay?" I inform her looking her straight in the eyes hoping she would heed my warning. 

"Why don't you join me?" She asks after an extended silence shocking me.

"Wait. What? Join . . You?" I say trying to piece my thoughts together at the oddness of it all. Join her? Why would she ask that? She obviously doesn't trust me.

"Yes just for tonight, so I know I'm safe. Anyways I still owe you a meal, Don't I?" She said nodding I grasped her hand once again before bringing her with me to her apartment.

Once to her apartment I let her open the door before following inside. We go up the wooden steps once again. They creak every once in a while from the added weight being placed on them. Finally to the floor that she lives on we walk to her room once again. She looks back at me and waves me in. I follow her in and watch as she locks the door before throwing her bag on the kitchen table. Then turning to me she seemingly assesses me before speaking.

"So, There's a television. I have books somewhere. Probably still in boxes actually, but just entertain yourself" She says before going to the cupboard and grabbing a crinkly loud thing. Raising an eyebrow at the oddity I slowly walk towards the female, as she opens the packaging.

"What is that?" I ask not sure whether to be intrigued or horrified.

"A poptart" She curtly replies glancing at me before breaking out in laughter.  This just confuses me even more. What's so funny? Is there something on my face? I quickly run a hand over my face to make sure there isn't anything there causing her to laugh.

"What's so funny?" 

"Your, face!" She says struggling to get it out threw her fits of laughter. My face? How is my face comical? I nod before walking in to the living room and turning the television on. Only to find some nature documentary. Sighing I sit down and wait for the fun to begin.

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