Not A Party Person

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It had been a week since Myra's dissapearance and nothing had gotten easier. Sebastian couldn't handle his temper and came to your house offten, most of the time drinking all your booze. But never once was the letter you showed him that Myra wrote you mentioned.

You were half asleep on your desk when there was a knock on the door frame.

"Can I come in?" You groaned at the familiar voice.

"This is my mid-day work nap Jo-jo. What do you want?"

Joseph chuckled slightly as he took a seat infront of your desk.

"I came to tell you that you are being forced to come to that work party tonight."

Your head shot up off your desk and you looked Joseph dead in the eyes.


"Come on (f/n)."

"I said no!"

"You haven't gone anywhere since the accident and it's time you get out."

Your eyes narrowed.

"If I go will you stop awkwardly bringing strangers to my house?"

He nodded in reply, his lips twitching into a smirk.

"Fine," you groaned, slamming your head back down onto the desk. "I secretly hate you Jo-jo."

"Nah, you love me. Well you love Sebastian we are just extremely good friends."

"Five seconds."


"Five, four, three," you slowly pulled a knife from your desk.

"Okay, okay I'm leaving."


You stood infront of the mirror at your apartment and sighed. This wasn't you. You didn't wear dresses and go to parties. You had admit though the long sleeved, form fitting dress made you look damn good.

You were still judging your appearance when a knock came at the door.

"Come in Jo-jo," you yelled, but when there was no remark you turned and found it wasn't Joseph.

"Sorry to dissapoint," Sebastian stated shyly. "Joseph asked if I could pick you up for him."

You were still for a moment then finally nodded, making your way to the kitchen. Sebastian slowly walked in as you were pouring two glasses of vodka. (You were the only two people you knew who could drink it straight.) But when you went to hand him a glass he denied.

"Oh boy," you stated jokingly. "What's wrong with Seb today? You never have a problem sucking up all my alcohol."

A faint smile crossed his lips, something you hadn't seen in a while.

"I'd like to actually remember atleast one day in the past year," he stated flatly.

"I thought you weren't a party person," you added. Sebastian was doing a lot of things he did not normally do and you were curious. "Did Jo-jo promise to leave you alone too?"

"Yeah, it sounded nice not having him pester me everyday," Sebastian replied. "Come on. Let's get going."

You nodded in reply and slipped on some black flats before making your way out to Sebastian's car.

The ride was rather silent and you felt as if there was some unknown tension between the two of you. Maybe you were just going mad but you surely felt as if something was off.

When you arrived at the party you both let out a loud groan when you took note of the large amount of people entering or already in the building. Both of you had grown increasingly anti-social and were terrible with people.

"I didn't know this many people even worked at the KCPD," you mumbled.

Sebastian let out a slight chuckle before exiting the car, and you followed quickly behind. Upon entering the building you immediately spotted Joseph and he waved you over.
You wondered what the smirk on his face was about as you approached but you assumed it would piss you off.

"I was wondering when you two would get here," he said with a slight snort. "I thought maybe the two of-" Before he could finish your hand was around his throat, turning a few heads towards you.

You slowly backed off and turned to Sebastian who was laughing awkwardly, his face tinted pink.

"Okay. I don't know what is going on with you two but I'm going to find people I actually like," you stated before walking off.

That didn't go so well. The night consisted of you drinking a few glasses of who knows what, talking to a few people you supposedly worked with, and dodging a few men who tried hitting on you.

You were standing out in the courtyard behind the building, another glass of what you assumed was wine in your hand. Your mind was wandering and you didn't take notice of the figure approaching you.

"Want some company?" You jumped slightly then turned your eyes to Sebastian and smile.


He sat beside you and again there was the tension. But before you could run your mind over it you felt a hand on your free one. Slowly you turned your head, looking at Sebastian's hand on yours, then you locked eyes with him.

"I. . .I never properly thanked you for all you have helped with after. . .Everything," the feeling of his thumb rubbing against your hand made your mind go fuzzy. "You've been by my side through all of this." Your face heated as Sebastian moved closer.

"S-Seb are you drunk?" you questioned. Voice wavering.

"What? No," he stated quickly as his face turned red. "I just wanted to remember tonight."

"Why it's just a dumb part-" You were cut off by rough lips against yours.

This was something you had only dreamed of and with the will to not let it end you quickly returned the kiss.

Sebastians hands found their way to your face, deepening the kiss before pulling away ever so slightly.

"Myra told you to take care of me, but she told me to take care of you as well. She saw how you watched over both of us. She knew you would take care of me now and you have. And I realized that deep down I felt the same way. While everything was always for Myra cause, I loved her greatly, I saw after she was gone that I had not lost everything. I still had you. And I know that it sounds-"

"You talk to much Sebastian," you stated with a laugh before kissing him again. But this time there was more to it. It became needy and you realized where you were pushing things so you backed off.

"Are you alright, (f/n)?" He asked curiously.

"Yes, I'm fine. I-I'm sorry I feel pushy."

Sebastian smiled softly, and stood uo infront of you.

"How about we ditch this party. We'll both only end up drunk anyways."

You both laughed slightly and smiled.

"I'd like that," you replied. "I really would."

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