Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I opened the door to my new life. I looked around and saw a plain room. There were no pictures laid out or any signs of a past life for that matter. I walked to the window, looking out it I saw a tall figure. She had long brown, curly hair. Her green eyes twinkled and her pink lips were formed into a smile. She looked genuinely happy but as I kept looking I saw a fake smile and an unrealistic girl that I know I could never be. I looked at my reflection touching the glass as I took a deep breath reminding myself I can be this girl. I can put on a smile, I can be happy. No one has to know about the broken girl on the inside because I won't let them. This is the me they are going to know. The fun, outgoing and happy me. I am no longer Phoenix, I am Phoebe.

"Phoenix what's taking you so long? I told you five minutes ago to come here!" My father shouted.

"I'm coming I was just uh" I said stumbling on my words as I came to meet his face quickly looking down, not wanting to look at his cold eyes for to long.

"You were just what? What is more important than what I ask of you?" He yelled spitting in my face.

I thought over my choice of words before speaking. "Nothing I was being foolish, it won't happen again." I assured him of my fault.

I suppose I answered correctly due to his lack of contact of his hand to my face. Instead he pointed to the door and with one word he controlled me. The force in his voice compelling me to obey.

I headed to the car and single handedly brought in all the bags and distributed its contents into there desired homes. Then it was time to make dinner for Mr. Thompson he is never to be call Father or dad or even papa none of the sort is acceptable. All because he was never to be any of those and any of those names would remind him that he has a daughter and that meant he had a responsibility.

I served his dinner of red sauced noodles to him on a plastic plater. "Your dinner," I said presenting the meal with a slight wave of my arm. He motioned for me to place it on the table next to the couch where he laid. Then he grabbed my wrist pulling my ear towards him. "Your forgetting something," He whispered. I looked around. "I will be right back," I said and headed to the fridge and pulled out a beer. I popped the top and headed back to him hoping I wasn't taking to long.

I gave him the bottle. He looked down upon me even though he was the one sitting. "You can go to your room now." He said. "No dinner?" I questioned and as soon as the words left my mouth I immediately regretted them. He stood up a slapped my face. I backed way but running only makes it worse. He grabbed my arms with an iron fist and he pushed me to the ground and kicked me more times than I could count. In the process of beating me he let out some choice words such as "You ungrateful bastard!", "After everything I provide for you. I gave you a home your own room in my house, I could of just gave you away if it wasn't for my mother." He continue yelling reminding me that he has the foster center on speed dial. He picked me up and threw me into my room. I let out a scream as my bruised body lands of the wooden floor. He slammed the door shut signifying that he was done for now. I sat on the ground and looked back at the girl in the window. She looked at me seeing the broken, unwanted girl but she let out a smile telling Phoenix to be strong and that tomorrow she will no longer be a mistake. "Tomorrow I will be Phoebe."

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