Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"At last it's Monday!" I allowed myself to say those foreign words. My clock read 6:02 and I smiled. This is going to be a day full of firsts I thought. I haven't been this excited since our very first move, little did I know that, that move would lead to more moves and more things. Anyways. Today is Monday, a new day, a new school, and a new me. As I got out of bed and headed to my closet I noticed that Arthur had supplied me, no very kindly brought me a new wardrobe. I pulled on the snug solid colored shirt and slid on a button down over it before sliding on my jeans. Just as I was about to head out of my room Arthur came in interrupting my excitement.

"What do you think you're wearing?" He said.

"I have to look normal right?" I asked him hoping he would remember his promise to me.

"Yes, but your parents will see you. Go put on your uniform!" He directed.

And I did so.

"That's better. Now listen," he said taking a seat.

"Things are different there. Kids aren't going to treat as royalty." He said and I replied. "Good they shouldn't have to."

He smiled at me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"You are going to be a great man. " He said.

"I don't want to be great, I want to be me." I told him hoping I was making sense.

Arthur explained everything to me. The route I am to take, the bus to get on, everything.

I change my clothes at a nearby convince store and then I walked to this bus stop that looked to be in the middle of a very run down part of town. A half hour later I arrived at school.

This school was not at all like my old school. It's much smaller and the landscape is very different.

When I got off the bus I pulled out my schedule to find out where I'm going. When I felt something was out of place. I looked at my outfit, nope that's not it. My hair was ruffled and not gelled back. I'm Finn Attaway and I have.... What does he have? I thought as I looked around when some kids started walking towards me.

They had something pulled up on their phone. I couldn't really see what it was but I think it was a picture of someone. Wait. See. Glasses. I searched my backpack and pulled them out just as the group of kids came up to me.

I put the glasses on and they all looked at me confused. One of them finally spoke.

"Hey sorry to bother you but you just look a lot like that billionaire's son." She said.

"Oh no that's crazy." I said. "If I were I probably wouldn't be going to school here." I added.

"Yeah your right well I'll see you around?" She paused waiting for a name.

"Finn, Finn Attaway" I said and she replied.

"Simone Goldstein." She said and then walked away.

That was a close one. I thought as I turned around to look for my class.

I eventually found room 206 and let me just say it was nice to find something by myself.

I entered the room and took a seat at an empty desk in the back. A couple minutes later some guy came by and asked if he could sit by me.

He had dirty blonde hair and was small and boney. I shrugged my shoulders as said sure, hoping that's what a normal teenage boy would have done.

"I'm Finn, what's your name?" I asked him.

"Max Smith," he said timidly.

"Nice to meet you Max." I said. Trying to be normal.

First hour was boring but I expected that its still school. It doesn't matter if its private or not its still boring.

It turns out I had first and third hour with Max and by lunch I got to a lit about him. Like how he loves videogames and is in the schools marching band; he plays the trumpet.

"Hey Finn you can sit with us," he said waving is hand towards a table filled with guys.

"Hey guys meet Finn this is his first and well last year here," Max said introducing me.

"This is Brett, Percy, and Wes," He said motioning his hand as I sat down by him.

"What school did you come from?" Percy asked.

Crap! I didn't even think about that. Idk know the schools around here. Think. Think. What do I say?

"I'm from out of state," I lied although it is kinda true my family has moved a ton of places only this time when we moved it was to the south side of New Hampshire.

"Which state?" Wes asked.

"I moved here from New York," I answered.

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