Chapter 1: One Wedding Down...

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Chapter 1: One Wedding Down...

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join in holy matrimony Wade Jeremy William Robson and Bethany Mariella Hernandez..."

I smiled as I watched my best friend gaze lovingly into her man's eyes. I was her maid of honor and I couldn't be more proud to be there for her special day. My fiancé Justin (Wade's best man) caught my attention by making faces at me and mouthing the words, "I love you." I tried to keep a straight face as I blushed and winked back at him.

We hadn't even noticed that it was time to pass up the rings until Wade joked, "Hey, your special day will be here in a few months y'all! We need those rings!" The crowd and even the minister laughed as we passed the rings up to Wade and Beth.

After they exchanged rings, the minister then said, "The couple has prepared their own vows that they would like to say to each other. Wade you go first."

Wade looked so nervous at first and took a small breath. "Beth meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I fell in love with your feisty personality, your jokes, those beautiful brown eyes, but most importantly, the way you genuinely care for others and me. You have this way of bringing so much joy to my life, a joy that I cannot explain. God knew what He was doing when He made you just for me. I love you babe and I'm so glad that our forever starts today."

Beth took a deep breath and said, "Wow, I can't believe that we made it here to this moment of our lives. You make me so happy and I feel so beautiful and loved with just one glance from you. Being with you has taught me how to live life well and to go for my dreams. You taught me how to love and how to fight through hard times. I love you with everything that I've got and I want to spend the rest of our lives proving it to you."

The minister smiled and said, "Such beautiful words. Now by the power vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." We all clapped and hooted while Wade and Beth went in for their first lip lock as husband and wife. The blushing bride raised her bouquet as the minister said, "Ladies and gentlemen please stand as I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Wade Robson!"

The wedding music started as they started walking down the aisle with the rest of the wedding party following suit. Justin grabbed my hand and said, "This will be us soon, are you ready?" I smiled, "I know and yes, I'm so ready to be your wife babe." He kissed my cheek as we lead the rest of the wedding party into the courtyard where the photographer was waiting to take our pictures.

Afterwards, we all walked into the gorgeous reception hall where we were seating at our reserved table while the rest of the guests were getting drinks and hors d'oeuvres. Justin kissed my cheek again and I smiled. "I love you babe. I can't believe that our friends have jumped the broom!" I exclaimed. "Honey I can't wait, October needs to hurry up," he replied.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the wedding reception for this beautiful couple. Y'all give it up for Mr. and Mrs. Robson!" the DJ exclaimed through the mic. Everyone clapped and shouted as the double doors in front of the hall opened and the bride and groom walked in hand in hand, both grinning from ear-to-ear. Beth's face was slightly pink from all the excitement and I smiled as they made their way to the middle of the floor.

"Before they do their first dance, will the best man please come forward?" The DJ said.

"That's my cue babe," he said and started walking towards the booth where he was handed a mic.

"How's everybody doing?" Justin asked the crowd. The crowd clapped and shouted in response.

"Awesome. Wade and I go way back. I mean waaaay back to my embarrassing noodle hair days." We all laughed and he chuckled. "But seriously though, this man is one of the most talented and laid back guys that I've ever met. We have hit some pretty major rough patches and he's always had a way of knocking some sense into me. Literally and figuratively speaking okay," he joked and we all laughed again.

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