Meeting the Mysterious Guy

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HELLOW so this is the next chapter keep reading. sorry if there's any miss spelling, please give comments and like I would totally appreciate it.

"Dude what the heck, you should've called me so that I can see big bang too!" I shouted to jade.

"well, I'm sorry it was crowded there. I didn't get a chance to go out and grab you"

"oh sure"

"no seriously believe me it was even hard for me to see them clearly"

"but at least you got a chance!" I shouted while glaring at her.

"oh c'mon danii, I'm sure you'll meet them someday, don't be mad," she said that while giving her cute puppy face, well this time it won't work.

"I'm not mad I'm just..... JEALOUS and yes I would like to kill u for not bringing me there!"

"okay okay I'm sorry." she rolled her eyes.

I didn't even bother to look at her or answered her. I leaned my head to the window and watched the view.

"uhmmm ms. where are we going?" asked the cab driver. I was so busy being mad at jade that I forgot our destination.

"please go to Hannam-dong sir," I told the driver and sat up properly. I looked at jade and she was asleep can't believe she's already tired. I feel bad for being mad at her but still, I'm dissapointed the fact that she saw big bang with her own eyes, but what can I do. I leaned my head again to the window and started to doze off.


I woke up with a sudden jolt, to see that we've reached the apartment. Jade was still asleep so i tried to wake her up gently.

"Hey Jade we're here, please wake up," I shook her body. She didn't even budge. I tried again this time I shook her harder. Instead of waking her up she hit me with her hand so that no one can bother her beauty sleep.

I can't help it anymore, "JADE WAKE UP!!!!" I shouted at her ears.

"WHAT!?" she answered sitting up straight with a total shock.

"you moron, I tried waking you up properly but you won't open your eyes!"

"well sorry, why are you being so grumpy today like calm your ass down dani, " she said looking at me with annoyance.

"oh whatever, just c'mon we're here at our aprtment." she nodded and we got out of the cab. Jade took our luggage and went inside. I paid the driver and bow to thank him. I walked inside and followed jade from behind. She was already at the administration counter asking for where's our room. I saw a couch and sat there waiting for her while playing with my phone until she came up to me smiling.

"Dani, we're staying at the 7th floor room 704, I'm pretty excited I know we can start a new life here."

"yeah me too," I said plainly.

"what's wrong?"


"are you still mad because of the big bang thing?"

"not really."

"then what's wrong?" she asked me, jade was so concerned why am I behaving like this.

"to be honest jade I'm scared that my life won't get better here maybe I'm not ready for this yet."

"dani, I get it I'm feeling the same way too but you can't give up yet, we just arrived here. Who knows what awaits us here in Korea."

"you're right I need to shove away this feeling," I said to her while fist pumping my hand in the air.

"now that's the danielle I know."

We were walking towards the lift until jade stopped me and said that she forgot where did she put our luggage. She ran back toward the direction we were going before, I was about to follow her but she motioned for me to go check the room first she'll come meet me after she got our luggage. I kept movin forward and went inside the lift. I pressed the number seven button the door was about to be shut and it opened again someone went inside the lift. I moved to the side so that there will be space between me and that guy. The door then shuts.

He was also going to the seventh floor too. I took a quick glance at the guy, he was wearing a black hoodie. His height is around 1.75, he looks like a fine guy. Somehow he seem familiar, I think I saw him but I just can't seem to know who is he. It was an awkward situation. The bell suddenly rang and the door opens. He went outside first, I can't hold it I feel like I need to ask who is he.

"Um excuse me," I tap his shoulder.

"yes?" he turned around to face me.

"uhm... well do you live here I seem to be lost," I made up an excuse, I just want to see his face I was so damn curious. As he turned around I can see his face but he was wearing masker. His brown calming eyes melts my heart. His hair was just perfect. He's such a fine guy my heart beat races just by looking at him.

"uhmm sorry ms. what did you say?" he waved his hands in front of my eyes, I snapped back to reality again.

"oh uh... I seem to be lost," I stuttered.

"well where do you wanna go?"

"uh... room 704"

"owh, come with me i'll show you the way," he grabbed my wrist gently and I walked along with him. Why would a perfect guy like him helped a freak like me. This is just like in the dramas.

we walked together along the corridor. We were walking for like two or three minutes until he breaks the silence.

"So you live here huh?" he asked me in english.

"yea I'm new here just move from the states."we talked for quite sometime until we've reached my room. He's such a warm person he can speak english well and I got the chance to know him better.

"thank you for helping me find the room," I bowed to thank him

"not a problem," he opened his masker he was wearing this whole time and smile. I smiled back at him and was about to go inside and check the new room when he grabbed my hands.

"hey I didn't catch your name earlier," he asked me. I was surprise he would ask my name.

"I'm danielle."

"what a fine name for a fine girl," I blushed looking down so he wouldn't notice.

"anyway lets keep in touch, I would like to know you better," he then took my hand and gave me a pen and he told me to write my numbers in his palm. Now it's my turn to ask his name.

"hey, umm before you leave..."

"my name is seungri," he cutts me off.

"wait, THE SEUNGRI?"

"yea lee seunghyun, but keep it quiet I don't want people to know I live her."

"wait what, you.... live here?" I managed to say that, I mean I'm talking face to face with THE AWESOME SEUNGRI.

"well you can say I'm your neighbour."


"my room is 705."

"wait so you live next door right beside mines?"

"exactly, anyway I'm goin inside first annyeong see you around danielle," he waved and smile. I waved back and tried so hard not to fangirl infront of him. I went inside my room closed the door and shouted. I jumped around and smiled the whole time, he ask for my number and hold my freaking hand. I am never gonna wash my hand, I smiled from ear to ear. I started to shout again I just can't hold my self back. Turns out to be a great day.

So turns out the mysterious guy is seungri. This like the part they start knowing each other better.


sorry if this chapter is to short hope you guys enjoy it sorry if there's any miss spelling.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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