Chapter 4

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Emily's POV

I came from the auditorium, but the Bellas weren't there, so I decided to go to their house instead.

I clear my throat before knocking on the door. The girl I know as Fat Amy opens up the door.

"Sorry my boobs are all crazy, I was just jumping." She greets me, straightening them.

"Hi, um, I was just at auditions, you guys weren't there, I was hoping for the chance to sing for you." I smile.

Her eyes slightly widen "Oh, I can't help you. We're not allowed to take anybody else new." She shuts the door but I grab a hold of it.

"W-wait, I'm a Junk!" I yell.

"What'd you say 'bout yo junk?" Cynthia-Rose tilts her head in a "come-in" manner.

She calls the rest of the Bellas into their living room. They all sit on couches except for the redhead---Chloe---who stands awfully near to me like she's a teacher and I'm a student doing a presentation.

I try my best effort in introducing myself. "I'm Emily... Junk...umm... I'm a legacy, Junk... uh... My mom was a Bella." Well, that didn't go as planned.

Chloe's eyes widen in excitement. "Your mother is Katherine Junk." She asks in disbelief.

"Who?" A light brown haired girl named Stacie asks.

"Only the top hitch of the 1981 Bellas. She pioneered the bootyshake. And word is she has a 5-octave vocal range" Chloe asks before Stacie pretends to faint.

"Woop. Still does. You do not wanna hear that woman doing it with my dad. Woo." I chuckle slightly.

"What an odd thing to say." Fat Amy speaks up.

"True. If a legacy wants to audition we have to let her." Chloe replies, waaaay out of subject. "So, show us what you got." She sits on a couch.

"Right now? Riiight here, right now. Okay, uhm. I'd like to perform an original song that I've been working on, but, I'm not quite finished with it yet, so..... let's not be dicks about it." I say that last part in a angry tone " I'm sorry that was crazy, wasn't it!" I laugh it off. "Fat Amy you have a lovely vagina."

"Thank you, proceed." She tells me in reply.

I clear my throat and begin to sing my original song Flashlight

When tomorrow comes
I'll be on my own
Feeling frightened of
The things that I don't know
When tomorrow comes
When tomorrow comes
When tomorrow comes

And though the road is long
I look up to the sky
Darkness all around-

"That verse I'm still kind of tinkering with so nothing's really completely set." I make an awkward interruption.

I got all I need when I got you and I
I just look around me and see a sweet life
I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight
You're gettin' me, gettin' me through the night

Cue air guitar

You are my flashlight

I end my performance with a smile. I'm waiting for their reply before Chloe talks.

"Would you excuse for just one moment?"

Chloe's POV

We form a huddle on the couches, deciding about this auditionee.

"She's pretty good. Can't we take her?" I say.

"What are you expecting us to say, she's standing right there." Fat Amy chuckles. We all look at her and she does a slight wave.

"Definitely not allowed." Fat Amy continues.

"Technically she came to us, so, really we're not breaking any rules." Disqualified from the ICCA's has so many levels.

"Yeah, it's the perfect loophole." Stacie encourages that option.

"You know, it's always good to have an extra buddy. Just in case one of us gets kidnapped for ransom, stored into a shipping container, and is made to eat only leaves and seeds." Our newest member, South American Flo speaks.

"Mmhmm. I agree, we need new blood." I say.

"I don't think we should decide anything without Beca." Cynthia-Rose makes her decison.

"I keep a penny under my tongue." Lilly says in her usual quiet tone before rolling her tongue to show us.

"Did anybody else think it was creepy that she never really opened her eyes the whole time." Stacie thinks. We all look at Emily who is now staring at the wall with the widest eyes possible, blinking unnecesary.

"Again, we're talking about her and she's standing right there!" Fat Amy says. "But if we're gonna talk negatives let's start with the giraffe legs." She says in a quieter voice.

"Okay, let's take a vote on it. Anyone who wants her in, sing G-Sharp, anyone who doesn't, sing E-flat. 1, 2" we sing our pitches.

We get up and surround her.

"I like your shirt." She tells Cynthia Rose.

"Welcome To the Bellas!" I exclaim and we all cheer.

"O M ACA-G!!! wooo!!" She cheers and starts doing a dance.

"Oh, stop, girl, stop, oh, Girl stop" Cynthia Rose stops her.

"Uh, so when does initiation start? I'll tell you what, I'll go back to my dorm, and pretend to be surprised when you throw the hood over my head and make me solve a rubix cube and a maxipad. That's what my mom said happened." Emily says

"Well, look around, we don't exactly have a maxipad to spare, so...." Amy makes a short pause before shouting. "Grab your guts ladies, it's party time! We got tickets to Copenhagen and a brand new Bella!" She hugs Emily.

"Let's go!" Flo says before everyone exits the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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