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I DON'T BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. Whoever said love occurs with just a look was a liar.

It wasn't humanly possible, which is why it only happened in fiction. It doesn't happen all at once, it happens in moments. Whether somewhere in the spaces of intertwined fingers, limbs tangled under sheets or when two lips meet, it was there you become emotionally attached. It was unexplainable, just like how breathes can't help but hold when you were with them or when words refused to escape you mouth as if you forgot how to speak. It's within these fragments of time where the thought of someone fills your entire mind in seconds. Right now, I realized that mine was happening right now.

The sounds of my ukulele Lennon was playing surrounded the area as we sat in silence at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. I was glad, I had this moment of serenity to hold onto. It was rare to have one, and I was even more grateful it was spent with her.

"Nate, what time is it?" Lennon asks me, her playing coming to a stop. "We've been lost for awhile now." I take a glance at my watch, reading the time.

"It's two in the morning. We've been out for nearly 5 hours." I tell her, looking around surprised to see some people still roaming the streets at this ungodly hour.

"Huh," she huffs as she readies herself to play once more. "We might as well get comfortable cause we're not going anywhere anytime soon. Any requests?"

"I'm fine, play whatever you want. I don't mind." I respond to her, analyzing her face as she begins to think of what to play. Lennon's face breaks into a smile as she looks down my ukulele, her fingers beginning to strum. I instantly recognize the tune. It was from that old Steve Martin movie, "The Jerk." My sister couldn't stop listening to that song when we first watched it, trying to learn it everyday for a month till she finally gave up.

"I know, you belong to somebody to new...." she sang, a playful smile etched across her face as the autumn air blew. I couldn't help but just stare at her, messy hair and all.

"Sing with me Nate!" she exclaimed. I laughed and shook my head, not familiar with the lyrics anyways.

"But tonight, you belong to me!" she continued to sing. A few people stopped to listen and gave her a smile as they walked on. Some even stayed just to listen to her while others stared at me, a look of recognition slowly began to appear. I, however, couldn't care less if I got mobbed right now because my attention was all on her.

It wasn't the first time I looked at Lennon. I looked at her more times than I could count ever since I met her. But as I stared at her, singing this tune that was possibly older than her, it was the first time I looked at her and felt an overwhelming sensation of warmth for her. Every memory, every single moment spent with her began to flood my mind all at once. It was as if my thoughts were on fire and she was the one who ignited them. Suddenly, everything went calm as I finally realized what this feeling was. I love her. The mere mention of her makes me feel these unexplainable sensations and I welcomed it with open arms.

It wasn't love at first sight, but it was love nonetheless.

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