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Riley walked along the edged path of the school with Nathaniel not to far behind, they hadn't talked since they started walking "Nathaniel " Riley said breaking the silence , his head shot up instantly , "Who gave you that name?" she asked walking by his side , "Oh.." he said sounding upset "Uh.. my father did , named me after a king, just like he is name after a king and his father is named after a king and so on .."

Riley looked up at him and back at the ground, "Oh" sensing like she wasn't going to say nothing else Nathaniel decided to speak , "Why do you ask " he said "uh? it's just you know , you don't look like a Nathaniel , and it sounds so pretentious " she said after realizing how rude she sounded " and.. it sounds like a white trash name , is what you mean " he said chuckling under his breath , Riley blushed shyly at his remark "Well I didn't say it like that ...." Riley said amused at his response "That's Alright , I hate it to , " he said faking a small smile ,

Riley could feel the situation getting awkward "Uh what about just Nathan , like Nathan's Hot dog's the fast food place " she said trying to evade the weird mood between them "Nathan's Hot Dog's? " he said confused "What is that ?" he asked raising an eyebrow "You Don't know ? it's basically the best fast food place ever . aside from Wendy's of course ... " she looked at his puzzled expression , and she took that as a sign that he didn't visit much fast food places nor had much knowledge "I don't really know ... but perhaps you could take me ?" he said adding to the conversation

"Take you?" she said looking toward his direction "Yeah, i mean , i want to be able to go to the place that I'm being Nick named after.." he said in a matter of fact tone Riley laughed , "okay "Nathan" maybe we should stop by one day " she said agreeing with him , Nathan only replied back with a simple nod "what about you Riley , where dose your name come from ?" he asked Riley grunted "Because the person who filled out my name certificate it appears can't read , My name was supposed to be Hailey , But my mother wrote it in script and for some reason the person making my birth certificate read it as Riley, so when my birth certificate came instead of reading Hailey Mebarak like it was supposed to , it read Riley Mebarak , and now i got stuck with a boy's name " she said sighing ,

"No It's Not , " Nathan Replied, keeping his eyes steady on her "It's a beautiful name , that' has no gender, i don't even understand why certain name's are assigned genders its utterly stupid, names are made beautiful by the people who have it , i mean why should females not be named after kings and strong military leaders and we should have more men named after ruling Queens , there's no shame in being named after a strong independent woman , '' he said pausing for a moment to catch his breath ,

Riley started at him for a moment , her eyes meeting his again , for some reason what he had just said made him 1000 more attractive but she decided to mess with him some more "Would you want to be named Elizabeth ?" she said wiggling her eyebrows at him , "sure , why not , it's a beautiful name given to a great queen of England " he said "And if i were a queen , would you wan't to be named after me ? " she said teasingly , this made Nathan pause in his step "You Are a Queen , and I Would Be More Then Honored to be named after you Riley, " . He said looking at her in all seriousness , his eyes never leaving hers "And.. why is that?" she said not breaking the eye contact "Because i respect you , of course " he said calmly

"Already?" she teased "We known each other for a good 30 minuets i think " Riley said "45 minuets actually and , how long dose one need to take to respect some one , i already know that you have strong morals and a good sense of humor , you seem charming and intellectual , and in all your a woman out here on her own getting an education , and that deserves respect in it self " he said walking along side her , Riley couldn't help but smile at this , this guy was striking up a lot of good points "And I would be honored to be named after you as well " she said "and why is that" he replied raising an eyebrow "Because I Respect you " she replied "Already? " he teased

"Anyone who respects a good woman deserves to be respected themselves " she said looking at him , Nathan stared at her for a moment and chuckled a bit , Riley took a moment to look at him before realizing a tugging behind her , she turned to see a soft blonde haired girl behind her , she didn't saying anything for a moment and just stared "H-Hello" Riley said , she shot a glance at Nathan who shrugged his shoulders , the blonde girl looked at both of them and thought about what she might say next "um... I'm K-Kate .." she said shyly trying her best not to stutter , 'N-nice t-to m--meet y-you ..."

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