Are You Afraid Of The Dark? - Part 1 - Chapter 1

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Part 1 -

Always Running


I had been running, for a long time. I can't say I don't remember when it all started - that would be a lie. I remember it like yesterday even though it was ten years ago. A lot can happen in 10 years. I've never really been stuck in one spot longer than a few months, I've never really went to school, I never had friends. That was the curse of my life.

But now was not the time to think of what was, or what will be. I just had to think about putting one foot in front of the other. It was a complicated movement, especially in the dark. I couldn't hear the footsteps behind me but I knew they were there - forever following me.

Every time my boots hit the hard concrete a jolt would go up my legs, I had learned to deal with pain, but this was just crazy. My breaths were ragged and I felt like collapsing, but the thought of being caught by my chasers was too much to deal with, especially now!

I had no idea where I was, or what time it was. But I was pretty sure I was running towards the centre of Sydney.

I wasn't sure of many things these days, I knew my name, Emma, I knew my age, 22, I knew what I looked like, but never seen my face in a mirror for many years just in the windows of shops. My blonde hair was short and spiked having to cut it off after getting it partly burnt. I couldn't be sure about my eye colour, but most blonds had blue eyes, so I guess that's what they were

I hadn't been paying attention - to busy thinking - and I found myself at a dead end. "Damn it," I muttered quietly.

On either side were high apartment blocks and a fence blocking the way, there was only one way I could go, and that was up.

I got a grip of the mesh and pulled myself upwards then put my feet through the tiny gaps, it was lucky that I had upper body strength or I might never make it over. My hands were close to the top when I heard shouts behind me; it gave me that extra will power to get over.

I landed with a crack and I felt my legs wobble. "Keep going Emma!" I started running again the cold July air whipping past me, the noises of the city fading except for the sound of my breathing.

This time was different to others, for some reason this time I felt like I was going to get captured. I have never been in a city as big as this before, it was too easy to be captured. I didn't even know why I decided to come, but when I figured out today was July 7th I wanted to visit the place where my mother had died.

I knew it was risky, but I had been in the shadows for months, just wasting time and not doing anything. I need change.

My stomach made a rumbling sound and I then realised how dry my throat was, I was desperate for some food and water. But I couldn't stop.

Up ahead was a main road the cars whizzing past, if I got to the other side I might stand a chance, there seemed to be a crowd.

I ran to the road and stood there waiting for a gap in the traffic, a red car passed and then I sprinted. People my age were on the other side and held boxes of popcorn and drinks; they must have come out of a movie. I stopped and took account of my whereabouts.

Buildings lined the street and one further down had bright lights flashing and people were pouring out through its door, a cinema, perfect place to lose someone.

I walked slowly down the street to the cinema then slipped in through the double doors. Then smell of food hit me in the face and my mouth started watering. I walked up the velvet red stairs and turned down a long corridor. There was a line of people, I tried to slip in front unnoticed, and I got a curious glance from a girl my age.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2011 ⏰

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