Kortney Coleman Loves To Cook for Friends and Family

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Kortney Coleman has been cooking from a young age and she enjoys cooking for her friends and family members. She is enthusiastic about cooking cuisine from different parts of the world and whenever she travels to a new region, she makes sure that the picks up the recipes that are unique to that part of the world. Through the years, she has perfect cooking Italian cuisine as well as Mediterranean cuisine that includes a lot of sea food. She states that cooking for friends and family members is an absolute joy and it is also a great way to get them all together for social gatherings.

Good food is the way to live well and for Kortney Coleman, cooking is a way to reach people’s hearts and know more about them. She mentions that she has enjoyed interacting with old and new friends over the dishes that she cooked for them and she says that when someone asks for a specific dish, it is even more fun to cook that for them. As a cook, she believes in giving every dish her signature touch which makes sure that the people who eat these dishes know that these were cooked by Kortney.

She also says that cooking has helped her in realizing her own abilities and the fact that she can do much more than her capabilities. She finds cooking a meditative exercise where she can create wonderful dishes that appeal to the taste buds of event he most discerning foodies. She is now planning a large cookout for an upcoming gathering of friends and family members to celebrate a special occasion in her family and she has prepared a menu of dishes from several cultures of the world. She is excited about the prospect of cooking for so many people and she says that she will definitely need help of the people who are attending the event to put final touches to the cooking extravaganza. In the coming future, she also plans to release a book of her best recipes and the recipes she has created by remixing the various dishes from unique cultures of the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2013 ⏰

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