Chapter 3

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School went bye pretty fast that day. Its lunch and they sat in they original seats. We both had a hamburger and a fri. I had a Water, Kira got a Dr.pepper. At our table we have Amaya, Nicki, Kira, and I. Amaya comes over with some chicken.

"Girl, lemme get some," Nicki said, reaching to get a piece "plus you owe me something." looking at her.

"bitch bye"

"Girl, don't call me no bitch. Bitch" Gisele hit Amaya in the arm. " You dont--, uh hey wassup?" Jay (Jacob) and Santo Stood there with their lunch in their hands. "Yo' kira and Gisele. can we sit here?" Santo said, looking at Gisele. Kira pushed Nicki out the way, took her tray and put it on the floor. "Sorry Nicki," She said smiling, "you can sit next to me." "Wtf Kira?!" she said walking away. " y'all are mean." she finished. Santo walked to the other side if the table. Jay took a seat next to her. "This seat taking?" Santo smiled. "Yup" She put her feet on the seat. "sorry." "Gisele!" Kira kicked her, "Stop"

She looked at her. " Well," she moved her feet. " I guess its open now"

Roc's P.O.V.~

Laawdd.! What have I done to her?... I'll take a chance.


We all ate lunch. We laughed and shared a smile with eachother. They also found out that they have gym together, next period.

"see you guys in a few!" Kira said.

*gym scene, Kira's P.O.V.*

We walked in there, I was pretty happy I had gym with 2 of the boys from MB. But get this, why are they so nice to us?

"Hey guys, wassup?" I said. " oh, we're cool" Jacob said. It was loud as hell in the gym till the teacher came.

"ALRIGHT ALREADY!" he said. it got quite quick. "Girls pick a boy partner and 25 set-ups, girls first" he said. I said to myself "that's all you got?" Just to remind you Gisele and I are not outta shape....just to put that out there.

" You wanna be my partner?" I asked. "sure" Jacob said with a smile. I got on the floor layed down and got in postion. "ok ready?" he said while standing on my toes. " I was born ready." I said laughing as I did the first couple sit-ups.

End of P.O.V.~

Gisele and Santo are partners, she was laughing and smiling. She hasn't been that happy in awhile. Gisele's been a lot of relationshis and all of them were bad. she's been single for awhile, her hearts been broken too many times. The last one she was in she was beaten pretty bad, but that's a secret she'll keep for awhile.

After the girls were done it was the boys turn. "Gisele, why are you so mean to me," Santo said. "never did anything to you."

"past" she said.

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