My move.

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"Hinata please don't do this". . .

The whole village has been destroyed so many people are dead. A few survivors sit and watch as naruto fights pein.
"We have to help him"
"No we will die"

"He will die are we gonna sit here and do nothing".

"I got to help naruto" i whisper running off.
"Lady hinata"

"Hiya"i yell out blocking pein from naruto.

"Hinata what are you doing here run away you can't beat him"
"I know" i say softly .

"It dangerous here what are you doing run away" naruto said.
"I felt like being selfish. I'm here because I want to be here. I used to always cry and give up . . .I made many wrong turns . . . but you. . . helped me find the right path. . . i always chased after you . . . i wanted to catch up to you. . .i wanted to walk besides you all the time . . .I just wanted to be with you. . .you changed me! Your smile is what saved me! That is why i am not afraid to die protecting you! Because. . . naruto I- i love you"


Peins pov

"She's breaking the chakra resisting poles such speed and strength but i must end this"
"She's still coming"

Hinata pov
"Hinata hinata " naruto was yelling.
I pull my body towards him and hold a chakra pole.
"Only 3 left " i think to myself.
Then i hear peins deep voice surround my ears.
"Why fight me when you know you will only die"pein said to me.
I slowly lifted my head and said "because I'm not gonna run away and I never go back on my word, that is my nindō. My ninja way" i say with a smile.
Before being flung in the sky by pein. SI started loseing consciousness.


"Pein no please don't do it" naruto begged.
"Love breeds sacrifice... which in turn breeds hatred. Then you can know pain.
Sometimes you must hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain because life's greatest lessons are learned through pain." pein said

"Pein pein please pein don't pein" naruto pleaded and yelled crying out.
"Swoosh" and i feel a sharp pain in my back.
"I'm sorry naruto" I think to myself as my eyes close. I wake up and I hear about narutos decision to finish pein.

He comes back as everyone is being regenerated.
Sakura walks up to naruto to hug him and they start to cheer his name . I then feel a rain of sadness as he hugs back sakuras . I walk through the crowd to my destroyed home.

"Bye everybody" i say taking a small backpack from the rubble with supplies.
"I really am useless" i say leaving the village to the sound of cheering.
"I'll go train and come back another time"

It's been a week I have been alone in the forest I know live in a cave next to a sakura tree.
I climbed up to a tree to get some fruit.
"That's some nice fruit"i say looking up. I climb up the slope.
"Almost got it" i say reaching over the edge.
"Whoa eep" i say slipping over the edge as i roll down the rock cliff side i roll down to feel my back bang against the sakura tree. I look up at the tree top as petals fall and lose consciousness as I lay under there. I wake up to lay down on a blanket .
A guy with dark eyes and black hair sits next to me at the tree.
"Oh your awake"the man says with a piece of fruit for me.
"Oh thank you".
"Are you a spy what's your name" he asked getting into a fight stance.
"My name i don't know i can't remember it" I said

"Your name is lavender and you work with me"
"Who's me" i ask
"Sasuke uchiha" the man said with his hand out.

Hinata and sasuke The lost memoryWhere stories live. Discover now