Upside Down (Skandar Keynes Fanfiction)

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  • Dedicated to Khamella


(Skandar Keynes Fanfiction)

By: iamfictional_

A/N: Underline the word fanfiction. I'm just a fan, nothing close to the character in this fanfic.

She was walking through her university silent corridors, still in her footstep's usual rhythm. She found her class silenced by the absence of humankind. She might be the first one to arrive there, but she knew she might be finding her class busied with studies the next day she stepped in. Typical Jack, punctually (in this case, way too early) on time only for the first day.

She hesitated but entered the class anyway. She was somehow not sure that this was her class. On her first day in her high school she mistook a class and realized her stupid mistake one hour later when her senior entered the class and herded her away with mockeries. She sighed and took her notes and checked the schedule her seniors gave to her on the first three days of orientation.

It was the right class, and she ignored everything while she walked to take the seat on the last row. She took out a novel she bought yesterday and carefully opened the first page without harming the binding. It was perfect; a silent class, a new-bought book, the smell of the new-printed pages and her favorite delicious orange candy.

Page one.

Page two.

Page forty.

Ten minutes to ten in the morning.

If it wasn't because of her new teacher, that happened to be extremely strict, she wouldn't notice the beginning of her first class. She lifted her chin to see the teacher but all she could see were the back-side of her classmates' heads. She wasn't short, but her average heights didn't approve her decision to take the back row seat.

Back row seat. She turned around to her shoulder and see her classmates, but the view didn't satisfy her. Baddies; or at least they dressed like some baddie she knew back in her high school. A beat slipped into her normal pulse and she snapped her head away. She knew she must not judge other people, but the vision of her traumatic times being bullies could not be deleted. After a year she tried to bury and burden it with piles of happy moments, all of them came up bursting again with a spark of pain.

Their filthy chuckles, their putrid smirks, their loathsome acts. She would've puked by now.

"Reading other book in class is not in the same route as studies." one of the boys said. She turned to his sides in an annoyed reflex but found him not even looking at her direction. She winced and closed her book immediately; she wanted to snap back, but the embarrassing memories shut her mouth down.

"Peter, stop teasing people." a girl who sat in front of her said, and turned back to give the boy a glare. She admired this brave girl in a second but shook the thought away thinking that she might be one of them.

"Mind your own business, Liz." the boy, with this name of Peter, spat. A flare of anger rose in her but she kept it hidden.

"Managing how my surroundings can support my concentration-" Jack saw the boy made a face with some annoying mimics and the girl smacked his table "-to focus is my business! Now, if you will, please shut up." Liz snapped reasonably.

"We'll see." Peter responded and rose from his seat, sitting on another empty seat on the other side of the wide classroom. Liz gave her a smile and she smiled back gratefully, knowing that Liz wasn't a part of his peers.

"I'm Elizabeth. If he annoys you again, you know who to seek." she said and winked friendly.

"I'm Jack." that stunned her for a moment, this happened everytime she introduced herself. "From Jackqueline. But that sounds too..." she dropped the last word, unable to finish it. She was about to say 'feminine' but Liz was far more masculine than her, yet Liz kept her name sounded feminine.

"Feminine, I know. My cousin's name's Jackqueline too, and she preffered to be called Jack." she said enthusiastically and laughed. She felt relief flowed from her heart. "Nice to be in the same year with you." she added.

"Me too." Jack said and she gave Liz a smile. They got back to their studies and took notes for almost twenty minutes.

Jack was feeling very tired. Her knuckles soared and her wrist pained; she decided to give it a break for a moment. She looked around; some of her friends were busy taking notes, almost having no time to lift their chin to look at the whiteboard. Some of them were able to manage to rest their hands for a minute of two without getting lost in the lecture track. Liz was one of them. The rest of them might be unbeatably bright genius or just a group of lazy guys because they were not taking notes, or barely paying attention.

And Jack? She was trying to only give her hand a break without getting distracted by the class. But she failed. And she totally failed when a figure caught her eyes. She gasped silently, not trying to draw any attention to anyone, including herself.

Her hands felt better and she decided to take more notes. But everytime that figure lowered his head to write, she just stopped writing and lost in thoughts.

That couldn't be Skandar.

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