The Journey - Short Verison

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The Journey

By Don Hatfield

Smashwords Edition 

Copyright 2013 Don Hatfield 

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Ebook formatting by

Table of Contents: 


Mark 1 The Road of Meeting 

Mark 2 The Road of Authority 

Mark 3 The Road of the Followers 

Mark 4 The Road of Sowing 

Mark 5 The Road of Grace 

Mark 6 The Road of Sending 

Mark 7 The Road of Hearing 

Mark 8 The Road of Rebuke 

Mark 9 The Road of Transfiguration 

Mark 10 The Road of the Rich 

Mark 11 The Road of Entry 

Mark 12 The Road of His Warning 

Mark 13 The Road of His Return 

Mark 14 The Road of Betrayal 

Mark 15 The Road of Death 

Mark 16 The Road of Resurrection


Take a walk with me using you God given imagination through the Gospel of Mark. Stand on the bank and look down as John baptizes Jesus in the Jordan River. Then walk the dusty roads, wind down the cobble streets and climb the mountain paths as we get to know this man. 

Be with Him as He heals the sick, cures the leper and raises the dead. Then follow Him up Calvary's Hill and be there close to Him as He gives His life for us. Yes, use your imagination and get to know your Savior a little better. 

There are some blank pages in the book in case something may strike your imagination as you are reading and you would like to write your thoughts down.

The Gospel of Mark 1 

The Road of Meeting 

John the Baptist prepares the way 

The day was sweltering hot and I thought I might go for a swim in the Jordan River. I had heard that there was a lot of commotion going on from the Jews in the countryside as well as at the Jordan River. I had no idea what was going on with them but I thought to myself, perhaps if I go out to the river today they won't be there as it was drawing close to their Sabbath. But as I approached the river it looked as if the whole city of Jerusalem was there. I walked silently up to the edge of the crowd hoping that they would not notice the Gentile among them. Being a little taller than most of them I caught a glimpse of what was going on. There was a wild looking man in the river and it looked like he was wearing clothes made from camel's hair. His hair was black as midnight and his eyes dark and smoldering. I waited a little while for some of the noise to die down so that I could hear what he was saying. He spoke with an authoritative voice, "repent, confess your sins, for there is one coming whose shoes I am not even worthy to tie. I will baptize you with water but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit." I must confess that I had no idea what he was talking about. But then again I never did understand what these Jews were talking about when they talked about this one God of theirs. They finally left and I was able to get my swim and washing in, then I went into town to have some supper and get a good night's rest. 

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