Part 2

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Oliver POV

I first saw the boy on my fifth week back on earth. The scientist became my new 'father', and he took more or less good care of me, but he spent a lot of time away and in his lab, and I was left alone. He gave me food and shelter, and I was grateful. After all, you get what you get right? No point in complaining.

My second life was pretty boring. I didn't go to school for fear of explosions and/or violent outbursts.

(I actually wrote exposure but it autocorrected and I want to leave it like that for the lolz)

I didn't meet people and I rarely went out during the day. I basically lived as a vampire.
One night as I was walking in the playground near the forest, And I saw some people about my age; two girls and three boys.

They were drunk.

"Ow man! You gotta watch where you're goin' bro!"
"Heh heh. Stupid."
"Hey! Don't call me stupid!"

They were all so happy...

I wanted them to pay. Which one? The blonde? She would be good, didn't look very strong...

"Ow! Oh, sorry about that. Are you okay?"

I looked into his warm brown eyes...
And fell in love.

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