Chapter 6 - Goodnight, My Love

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Helen's head whipped around and she stared at Jonathon's mother with her mouth open.

"You look like you need your drink refreshed, dear," Mother said to Father, taking his glass from him.

As the two of them walked towards the bar cabinet, Helen looked up at Jonathon, and he cringed inwardly.  She appeared devastated with tears welling up in her eyes. He opened his mouth to explain, but she yanked her hand out of the crook of his arm and left, nearly running through the room. He followed while she skirted the perimeter of the young people dancing and went out the door. In the hallway, she hesitated, then darted into the library. When he went in behind her, he closed the door.

She was in front of the fireplace with her shoulders slumped, wiping her face, and he approached her.


She spun around, her eyes red rimmed and glassy from the tears. "You lied to your mother," she said, shaking her head with disbelief. "You lied to me. How could you do that!"

"Please let me explain!" he said, continuing towards her, but she stepped backwards, keeping the distance between them, and he stopped.

"I was so stupid. I was falling for you!" she said, her voice cracking on the last word. She swallowed and wiped her eyes. "I should never have trusted you. I knew you were only interested in me for one reason!"

"That's not true! I love you!"

Her mouth dropped open. "You don't even know me!"

"I do know you! You're beautiful, the most beautiful girl I know, and you're sweet." Her expression was becoming more angry as he talked, and he knew he was saying all the wrong things. "You're smart!" he continued desperately. "You challenge me. You're the only one who does that. I like that you're not afraid to tell me what you think." He could tell it was working.  Her face was softening. "I know you've been through a lot, and how hard it's been for you to lose your family. I care about what happens to you. I want to take care of you."

Her eyes narrowed. "What do you mean you want to take care of me?"

He took a breath. He didn't want to say it like this, not now. He wanted the moment to be special. But when she started to turn away with a look of disgust, he blurted out, "I want to marry you, Helen!"

She slowly turned back, appearing stunned. "But your mother...  She'll never–"

"No, my mother likes you," he insisted.

"Your mother likes an illusion!" She took a step towards him, indicating her dress with her hands. "This is an illusion! My uncle only bought this because he was afraid your father would get mad if I didn't come. I've seen the looks she's been giving Annie all night. How will she feel about me when she finds out I'm even more poor than her?"

"She doesn't have to know!" He clamped his lips closed, knowing it had been the absolute wrong thing to say.

"You would have a marriage based on a lie? That tells me everything I need to know about you," she said, throwing her hands in the air.

"That's not what it would be!" he pleaded.

"Then what would it be?"

She waited while he tried to come up with an explanation that would make everything better, but he couldn't. She was right.

"Don't ask me to come to any more of your hot dog roasts, or bonfires, or anything!" she said, heading towards the door. "I won't come."

"Helen, please! I really care about you."

The Man Inside the Iron Fence (The Boy in the Woods Pt. 2)Where stories live. Discover now