The start.

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Everything must have a beginning. It can't just "happen".
So how did I come to exist?
As if being pulled from under water, I gasp and struggle to breathe, my eyes opening.Showing me a place I've never seen before.

It's beautiful.
Flowers of all different shapes and sizes, willow trees adorning the beautiful scenery.
A large, stunning castle, ridiculously huge in size, towers over everything, two waterfalls placed beside it, as if everything was planned and perfectly symmetrical.

I look at everything in wonder, sadness clouding my thoughts. Why have I never been here? It's so beautiful, so serene, but all I've seen is darkness.

I feel something wet on my arm and I gasp. I look down to see drops of water falling onto my pale arms, dripping onto the floor.
I instantly look up, but it isn't raining,the beautiful blue sky is clear, so what could it be?
"Excuse me miss". I gasp and turn around at the shy voice, a young boy smiling at me sheepishly. "Why are you crying?" I stare at him in confusion, tilting my head to the side like a child who didn't understand something.

I reach up and touch the soft skin on my face, my eyes widening at the wet feeling on my cheeks.
"I'm crying" I state loudly, a nod of confirmation coming from the boy. " I just wanted to see of you were ok, no one should ever be sad." I take that time to examine the boy, weak and dirty, dressed in nothing but what I would call rags, yet he still cares about me.
Sadness. I guess that would be what it was. How could I miss out on all of this? The people, the scenery, my life. Trapped.
But also happiness. The way I could finally see what I've been missing out on. How beautiful everything is.
I looked back up at him and spoke softly. " I'm not sad. I'm happy. I'm crying because I got to see the things I never could, what I've been missing out on." I sniffed at the end of that and found myself in the arms of the boy, the boy murmuring quiet things in my ear.

"It's ok miss, your not alone anymore."

Hiii! Glad you decided to check out my new story! Will be updating soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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