The Rule Of The Realms: Every immortal-species has a specific way of 'expanding their kind' whether through sexual intercourse, soul-binding contracts, venom injections, and/or a mere kiss, etc. Most beings 'expand their kind' through sexual intercourse. Examples of such beings are Werewolves, Lycanthropes, Guardians and Grimms (Theriomorphs* of the Canine-aspect, specifically wolf)
*Theriomorphs are immortal beings that have both a Human and Animal form
(FYI: that's the word/definition out of a Mage: The Awakening book I found recently)
Soul-binding contracts: All beings of a Demon- or Deity-aspect
Venom injections: Manticores, Najas*, Gorgons, Vampires
*Najas are snake-humanoids very similar to Gorgons (think Medusa) except they have more of a Serpent-aspect
(FYI: name and partial description from the Smoke & Bone Trilogy)
A mere kiss: Elves
(This will obviously be edited while I work on Hybrid)
Rules Of Lifetimes:
Each immortal being has the same amount of lifetimes they can live. Obviously, there are ways to add on and take away lifetimes.
Ways to add on: Yet to be determined
Ways to take away: Specific curses being cast and/or backfired
Hybrid: Character Information
RandomThe following contains information about the characters in my story, Hybrid (Cover coming soon) ~E.K.C. Productions