Sacrificed (A Mentalist/Jisbon Oneshot)

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Again, a little Jisbon oneshot. Contains themes: Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Angst, idk. Enjoy reading and don't forget to read my other (Jisbon) stories!

Patrick Jane was as always lying on his brown leather couch in the FBI office, unflinchingly asleep. His wild blonde curls were cut into a nice wavy hair model. Jane didn't like to go to hairdressers, slightly afraid that the hairdresser will just mess his beautiful hair up completely. It had once happened before. Yet, this hairstyle was requested by his girlfriend, Lisbon, so he didn't have any choice to just go to the hairdresser for once in his life. 

He awoke when he heard familiar footsteps tiptoeing his way up to him. His eyes fluttered open and he was looking at the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.


What? Oh yeah, right. Imagination.

He sat up immediately and rubbed with his knuckles in his drooping eyes. Sighing, he looked up at the tall man who was holding some files in his hands. Oh, he completely forgot. They were working on a case. It was a pretty interesting case though. Jane scratched on his head and started thinking about the facts and the clues of this case.

Woman in her early 30s was murdered at the 23th of March at 4 Am. The victim's name was Chrissy Puhn. She wasn't very tall, the average length of a woman. Her long brown hair was completely messed up and drained with blood which came out of the shot wound on the right side of her head. Also, she was wearing a short black zip front dress and black high heels with golden zippers. Her expensive golden necklace seemed to be untouched, which meant it wasn't a robbery. 

Her body was found in a motel at the side of the road by an employee who was checking the room when he'd gotten a couple of complaints from nearby customers about noise. The employees name was Mike S'Alliger, was a short man in his early 40s. Married, three children. Didn't seem suspicious according to Jane. 

Back to the shot wound on her head. Fischer told the team it was a shot taken from quite a distance, presumably 10 meters at least. Which could be right, the window of the motel room was completely shattered. The killer must've been a good shooter, or he/she was just standing in front of her window and shot her when he/she noticed her. Anyway, this killer wanted to get revenge. It could've been a secret admirer of Chrissy's husband Dennis Puhn, who was a rich and influential man in the economical world. An other option was that her ex, Oswald Young had killed her. Jane guessed the last one, because their 16 year old son Jesse, had killed himself after his parents got divorced. Chrissy had cheated on Oswald with Dennis and Oswald had caught them. They immediately divorced and Chrissy left her son and her ex-husband behind. Jane presumed Oswald started to drink heavily and without knowing it, he hurt his son very badly. Jesse couldn't take it anymore and killed himself. His body was found in a left alone alley in the dark side of the city a couple of days ago. Cause of death: Drug overdose. Oswald presumably blamed Chrissy for his son's death, and might have killed her. 

That's what Dennis told them at least when they interrogated him. He seemed honest. They weren't able to track down Oswald. He completely disappeared. They'd talked to some of Oswald's friends who told them he liked to hang out in bars when he was feeling down. Cho went to some bars and found Oswald eventually. He wanted to arrest him, but there wasn't any evidence against him..So Cho planted some unnoticable cameras in the bar and Jane made up a plan to catch him. 

"Where's Lisbon?" He mumbled, slowly getting up, rubbing his head. 

"Office. Now." Abbot said sternly. Jane rolled with his eyes and followed him to his boss's office. He noticed Lisbon was sitting on the chair in front of Abbot's desk. She was reading through some files and looked up as soon as she heard them coming in.

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