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Drip, life support and a couple tubes up my nose. They have every part of my body hooked up to some kind of twisted machine that some how keep me alive. I can still feel my heart beating in my chest and my pimple still bloom on both my cheeks but I feel lifeless. I feel like someone has sucked something out of me. 

I turn over and dial in Spencer's number but now I know it off by heart. I listen to the phone and then I hear Spencer's cheery voice at the end of the line.

"Hello Spencer here, may I ask who is speaking?"

"Hey Spenc it me, Bella."

"Hey Bella, how are you?"

"I'm ok thanks, any chance you could pop in for a visit today?"

"Sure,  are you back home yet?"

"No, not yet."

I knew I would never go back home. I would die here. There is no denying it

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