The kill

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"Julia wake up" I woke up and stretched "am I late?" John shook his head "no just mom told me to wake you kids up they had to go to work early" I nodded Julianna and jewels were already to go once I got dressed and ate we walked out the door and waited for the bus Julianna and jewels started to play fight it was cute john held me close when shadow came by he smirked I forgot he saw my hair yesterday I forgot to tell shadow john already knew because he read my diary and things he was pissed when shadow did that "hey Julia" I saw Craig and smiled "hi Craig!" "Hey Julia I love your hair did you show your boyfriend" "yeah I did, I hate you I swear don't tell anyone" "fine but you got to do anything I tell you do" he smirked I frowned john was more mad and Craig was to but he couldn't do nothing then the bus came "Julia you have to sit with me go it" I nodded I hugged Craig "I'm sorry Craig" "its fine i love you" he kissed my head "love you to" i sat with shadow it was boring then we got to school then I had to do shadows homework and get him an A+ I did it he was proud of me and kissed my cheek i just sat there Craig was sitting in front of me after school people looked at me and smiled and then a girl came up to me "can i see your blue hair please?" "N-no who told you I had blue hair" "oh umm shadow did" I was pissed I told Craig "what do you want me to do about it?" "I don't know" "well don't come crying to me its not my fault" I walked away hurt I didn't think Craig would say that to me I told john "well I don't know what to do about it leave me alone" "fine I am done with my life fuck you john!" "Wait I'm sorry Julia don't" but I ran away to fast for him to catch up to me I was so fucking hurt I walked home and grabbed a knife I wanted to kill myself no one would care about me then i saw shadow "hey Julia how are yo-" "fuck you asshole I hope you go to hell and burn and suffer you motherfucking prick" i cut him off he looked shocked like shocked then i did something i never thought I could do I stabbed him in the tummy he spit out blood and fell in front of me I cried "CRAIG JOHN HELP ME IM SO FUCKING SORRY" I fell i saw john and Craig "what happened Julia?" Then he saw shadow on the ground I was crying harder "I'm fucking sorry" Craig picked me up and kissed my head "its okay" john stood there "why would you do this" "he told everyone about my hair and I got mad I'm so fucking sorry" Craig was proud but john wasn't "lets get you home Julia and clean you up" john shook his head Craig went home john carried me home in his arms "I love Julia but this is just over the limit NEVER do this again okay" I nodded "okay john" I had a shower I went to my room and sat beside john and gave him my diary he read it and frowned "never do this again" "okay john" I hugged him and fell asleep hugging him I wonder how tomorrow will be without shadow?

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