Bite From A Vamp

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  • Dedicated to all you "vampires" out there

I knew not to go out alone at night, my parents have told me time and time again to not be so foolish as to do something like that. However, like most young adults, I didn't listen. It was close to one in the morning when I left the movie theater. I had been there with a friend, but we lived on opposite sides of town, and neither of us had drove a car. Her boyfriend was there to walk her home, I on the other hand was stuck walking home by myself.

I hugged my jacket close to me as a chilling breeze blew past me. The fallen leaves crunched under my weight as I continued my walk home. My breath was clearly visible as I blew into my hands to warm them. It was an unusually cold night, even in mid October. Just a few more blocks and I would be back in my warm apartment building.

I was turning the corner when a dark figure pushed past me. A terrible cough tore from the man's throat. He was hidden under his long black coat and had his head bowed. I stopped and watched him continue his fast pace down the sidewalk. He turned another corner, and disappeared behind the brick building. I looked around me to see if anyone else was coming down this way. Nobody. I didn't like the thought of going down a darkened sidewalk, knowing that a strange, and possibly sickly, man was somewhere on the other side of where I was headed. Having no other choice, I continued on my way.

My body gave a violent shiver as I turned the corner that the man had turned on. Something was wrong. Though I couldn't see anything off, I felt it. I could see my apartment building from where I was at and picked up my pace. Just as I was passing a narrow alley, two strong, thin hands yanked me from the sidewalk and into the alley's darkness. I tried to fight of the bony hands that tore at my arms with sharp nails. Giving the man a few hard kicks I heard him hiss. This hiss wasn't one of a human in pain, in fact it didn't sound human at all. The hiss sounded more of a frustrated animal, possibly a cross between a cat and a snake. I went to scream only to have one of the hands slam over my mouth. My screamed turned into a terrified squeak.

I could feel his cold breath on my skin as he came closer. The smell was awful. The rot of decaying flesh insulted my nose, along with an overpowering aroma of spice. I gaged at the scent. He hissed in my ear, so intense it left my ear drums ringing. "Don't fight," he sneered, "and this won't hurt.... Much." He lent into the base of my neck and worked his way up slowly. Smelling. "It's been too long since I've had a taste," he stated. "I'm not sure I can control myself." It sounded like he was talking more to himself than to me. "I've let myself go without for far too long - I'm withering away."

He still had a death grip on me. I felt myslelf losing the energy to fight back. Tears spilled over my cheeks, wetting his cold, pale hands. "What is this?" He wiped a tear away and licked it off his finger. "Tears?" He stared into my eyes, cold, hard, and piercing. "Haven't you ever wanted to feed the hungry?" More tears spilled over. He laughed, which turned into another violent coughing fit. "I must feed," he said. "But don't worry, I'll try to stop in time."

Before I could register what was happening, long sharp fangs grew from his canines. And with amazing speed, the man bent back down and tore into my neck. I struggled for only a moment until the pain was to great and his hold became stronger. I could feel the life being sucked from me. I stared up to the starry sky. Though the night was cold, the sky was clear and reveal billions of stars and a romantic full moon. Everything started to blur and mold together. He roughly pulled away from my neck and I put my hand onto my wound. My neck was wet and sticky. I looked back up at the man, only to see a younger face starring at me. It was the same man, but he looked youthful. His coughing was gone, his eyes that were once cloudy were now clear, his ghostly paleness was now like porcelain, and he was no longer thin, but lean and muscular. His thin hair was now thick and a rich dark color. His hands were the last things I saw. The long sharp nails were gone and in their placement was well manicured ones. I slipped into blackness, unaware of the man that had bit me reaching down to catch me before I hit pavement.

When I came to, I was in an unfamiliar room. Deep purple and rich gold dominated the room. I sat up in the luxurious canopy bed and looked around. The floor was covered with a thick soft carpet. Heavy curtains covered the windows. A huge vanity set across the room from the bed and next to it a giant walk-in closet. I could see clearly into the connecting bathroom and a thick, decorative mahogany door sat between the bathroom and the closet. I got out of the bed slowly and carefully, listening out for anyone approaching. Opening the big door I peeked out into the long hallway. No one was around. Creeping out of the room, I made the decision to go right, when a voice spoke from behind me.

"Good to see you're awake," the cool, smooth voice said. I turned around to come face to face with the young version of the guy who bit me. "I was beginning to think I didn't give you enough."

I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. "Enough what?" I croaked.

He laughed. "Of my blood of course."

I looked up at him, horrified.

"Or that I took too much of your's," he continued. "Come, you must be hungry - I have just enough time to teach you." He went to grab my wrist, but I moved away from him before he could touch me. He looked at me in confusion. "You not hungry? Newlings are usually more leethal their first few months."


"Newly turned vampires, my pet."

My eyes widened. This man was crazy. "There's no such things as vampires, you freak. You belong in an institution. And I am not your pet."

He gave a cruel chuckle. "My dear, have you not realized - even after I feed from you? Have you not seen yourself in the mirror?" Satisfied that I hadn't he drew me to a large golden mirror. "Look," he demanded.

As I starred at the reflection, I couldn't believe it was me. This wasn't the plain lanky girl I was used to seeing. Instead, a beautiful girl with long wavy brown hair, shinny green eyes, full red lips, clear light skin, and curves in all the right places starred back at me. I put a hand up to my face, ran it across my cheek and over my lips. "How...." I trailed off.

The man came up to me and drew some of my hair over my shoulder. "A bite from a vamp can do many things to a person. Are you ready to feed now?"

I looked up at him with the same horror as before. I could only imagine what "feed" meant. And if it was anything like what happened to me, I was not willing to subject anyone else to it. Little did I know that my survival now depended on it.

IMPORTANT: Read the continuation story for this. It's called "Blood and Roses"!!!

A/N:  I hope you all get what she means at the end. If not, then here it is: Without feeding (drinking human blood) the vampire starts to decay, like a corpse, because technically they're dead, and blood helps them to sustain life. If they feed, they stay alive and young, if not, they grow older, get sick and die. So I hope you all enjoyed.

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