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"Scar, stop, we have to stop!" Jack cried, trying to stop Scar who strutted forward, into the crumbling Arena. "We'll be crushed! We have to go back now!" Scar stopped abruptly, turning to stare Jack down.

"And what about the other people who are in here? Huh?" She spat. "You think we should leave them to die without warning?" Jack stepped back, and Scar turned back around and started forward once again. The group had made their way down the mountains, and we're heading along the Mountain towards some place that Scar seemed determined to reach. Soon, the grass faded to become dry, red sand as they entered the desert biome of the Arena.

"Scar where are we even going?" Sam asked. "I agree with Jack. We need to go." Scar didn't even stop while she answered, jogging on with purpose.

"You know where I'm going!" Scar exclaimed. "Stop kidding yourself. Where else would I be going in this biome?" Rose immediately thought of the Blood Market and shuttered at the thought of going back there. But Sam looked even more worried about where they were going.

"Scar, be rational!" He exclaimed, limping ahead to pace with Scar. "They'll kill us. The King will demolish us once and for all." As soon as Sam mentioned the King, Rose shuddered. That meant this had something to do with the monstrous Leaons.

"Fine, go back for all I care. I'll go alone." Scar seethed. She suddenly turned, heading towards a huge cave mouth in the side of the mountains. Suddenly, two large cat eyes appeared in the gloom, followed by two other smaller sets. "Scar..." Sam tried to grab her, but she broke away and ran to the opening. Scar stopped short of the cave mouth, but the rest of the group stayed a ways away.

Scar got down on her knees as the large King of the Leaons stepped out of the cave, standing right in front of her. She put a hand on her axe, and the King growled, baring his teeth. Scar unsheathed it, but quickly threw it down, and it skidded far away. The King suddenly stopped growling, taking a step forward to sniff Scar, who sat perfectly still and looked perfectly calm. The King then sat back on his haunches, waiting.

"I know what you want, Alger." Scar whispered. "But I only have one." With that she pulled a large thing, which was wrapped in cloth, out of her satchel. As she unwrapped it, Rose recognized the huge canine they had taken from the beast. Scar laid it on the ground, and the great cat stepped forward, coming back with it somehow attached back in its rightful place.

The King, Alger, then knelt down, Boeing his head at Scar. She stood, walking over to him and climbing onto his large back. The King stood, waving his magnificent spotted tail, and five smaller, yet still huge, Leaons emerged from the darkness. All of them knelt down, and the group mounted their steeds, Sam picking up Scar's axe and handing it to her before he mounted his own. Jack just patted his Leaon and sent it back into the cave, taking to the skies.

"Take us around the arena, Alger. We must warn the others." Scar whispered into the King's ear. With mighty roar and shake of his majestic mane, they took off across the sand, racing towards the Blood Market.
By the time they had reached the Blood Market, the Arena had started to come apart, and a large price of the material that made up the dome had fallen away, leaving a gaping hole in which to escape from.

"We will make a round of the northeast and west quadrants. No one should be a where else. I was surveying them on a monitor in the Facility." Scar explained. Shapes grew up in the distance, and Rose could make out the dilapidated buildings that surrounded part of the Blood Market. Scar told Alger to stop at the rim of the battling arena, and that's what he did, roaring to get everyone's attention. Rose noticed that mostly everyone had gathered there, as she counted 16 people.

"Hey, you need to get out!" Scar shouted, pointing towards the gaping hole in the dying arena at the base of the Mountains. "Head for there! Get out!" Everyone started to nod, agreeing that it was probably the smartest thing they could do. Soon, every last teen had run away into the distance, heading for safety.

"Now vwhat?" Quick asked, looking annoyed. "Ze ozers are dead, or out of zeir minds. Allons-y!" He pointedly looked at the destroyed arena where they were headed. Large chunks of sparking metal and wires fell to the ground crushing everything in their paths.

"I'm still holding on to the chance that they're alive." Scar said, and with that, the King lunged forward, running into certain death.

Chunks of metal and electrical things fell from the sky, smashing into the ground right beside the Shadows and their steeds. Rose was terrified, and hung on to her Leaon as tightly as she could, which didn't seem to bother the beast at the slightest.

"Look!" Scar yelled over the crashing and screeching of metal. "There!" Rose squinted to see three shapes sprinting towards them. Scar dismounted, as did the others, and they ran to meet them. Rose felt excited for only a moment, that's when the arrow hit her. It landed with a 'thunk' in her left shoulder, sending pain coursing through her arm.

"Pull it out!" Quick shouted at her, and she did. He ran over quickly and wrapped some cloth around her arm and smiled warmly. Rose turned to see a horrific sight before her. Sam lay on the ground, two arrows sticking out of his sturdy chest. Scar was already on it, pulling out the arrows and wrapping his chest, but Sam's breathing was ragged.

"Quick, Jerome! Get him to the Leaons!" Scar yelled, standing and turning towards the attacker. Clarisse stood there, a look of sickening satisfaction on her face. Annabeth and Lydia stood farther away, not taking any part in the situation.

"A boy for a boy, huh?" She said in a sickening voice. She laughed but was cut off as a large rock fell from above, sticking her head, and she slumped to the ground. Rose looked up just in time to see a huge chunk of the ceiling falling from above, and she scrambled to get away. The only one who didn't notice was Jack, who had flown over to see if everything was ok.

"JACK! GET OUT OF THERE!!" Rose screamed, but all she could do was watch as the chunk of metal and rock came down, smashing to the ground with a tremendous crash. "JAAACK!!" Rose screeched frantically looked up, expecting him to appear out of the dust.

"Rose come on! We have to go!" Scar screamed grabbing Rose's arm. Rose turned to see Scar, her face streaming with tears as she stared back. "We've gotta go. It's what Jack would've wanted." Rose nodded, chocking on her tears and stumbling blindly towards the Leaons. Rose was too filled with grief to see, and she only just noticed another large chuck coming down to smash into Jerome and his beast, giving them the same fate as Jack. Scar hauled Rose up onto the King alongside her. Annabeth and Lydia climbed onto another, while Quick was already mounted onto one, holding onto a gravely injured Sam. Scar gave the King a sharp kick, and they rode swiftly through the collapsing structure of the Arena, Rose grieving her dead lover. They soon reached the hole, bursting into the open not a minute too late as the Last of the Arena smashed to the ground, smashing everyone and thing that was still inside.
Hey guys! First of all: I regret nothing! Nothing I tell you! Also, I wanted to say thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy!!
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