It is early in the morning on a cold day. Nikolai sits in an alleyway, rolling blunts for the day ahead of him. He gathers up his things and heads down the road. Along his way a couple of dirty spooks bump into him and knock him off of his balance, causing him to drop his pack. Angrily, he flicks out his switchblade and knocks one of them to the ground and gives them numerous knife wounds. Out of utter fear, the other one runs off. Nikolai mutters a few profanities to himself as he continues down the road. He arrives at his job at the local Detroit zoo. He throws off his leather jacket and puts on a zookeeper's vest and shorts. He heads down to his first duty, cleaning out the monkey's pens. As he gets inside of the smelly pen a small chimp curiously hobbles over to Nikolai to take a look. Well curiousity killed the cat. Angrily Nikolai grabs up the chimp, spits in its face, and rings it's neck and tosses it up to a tree. After the deed is done he noticed a small child, about the age of six had noticed. His guardians are nowhere to be found, so NIkolai knocks the childs ice cream out of his hand. The child starts to cry and scream for help so Nikolai drags him into the nearby restroom. Nikolai unzips his shorts and urinates into the child's eyes. After he is done he slams the child's face into the wall of the restroom. He zips his pants back up as a puddle of blood emerges from where the child's head lay. He lights a joint as he sits against the restroom wall next to the dead child. He continues his duties throughout the day. Work is let off early because of a murder within the zoo. Nikolai chuckles to himself as they carry the child's body away. He makes his long trek back down to his home in the alleyway. He looks at himself in the shattered glass on the floor from some teenagers pulling a prank and throwing bottles all over his blankets. Nikolai shouts out "FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He knocks over the dumpster and finds a small mouse resting next to a rock. He grabs it up and bites a big chunk out of the side. As he tosses the half dead carcass back onto the ground, he notices some members of his small local friends, B-Rabbit, Future, and MC Bob. He chases after them to join them in some rap battles down at a local warehouse where a large number of people lay waiting to hear the night's rappers. Nikolai brings his trusty fragmentation grenade, just in case of emergency. When it comes Nikolai's turn to rap. he starts out with "Yo. Yo!" But, instead of rapping he just starts screaming wildly and knocking chairs over and throwing them at people. Future tries to calm him down, but instead he pulls out his grenade, pulls the pin and runs. The blast knocks him unconcious. He wakes up in his bed in the alleyway. He hears from other people on the street that the blast had killed 11 members of the 'Free World Gang' and 6 other civiilians, one of them including a 4 year old helplessly riding a tricycle down the street. He goes to sleep as he waits for the next day.