One: Back Up the Rabbit Hole

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11:13 PM, October 21. The rain poured down in icy sheets against the Chicago pavement, the confusion of traffic illuminated by the waxy yellow street lamps. The drum of rain hit my black umbrella that I was holding overt head keeping my suit bless fully dry. I scowled and grumbled unhappily with cold.

I passed a coffee shop to my right, with warm golden light pouring out the door, inside a few normal teenagers sitting in the warm drinking coffee. I paused for a moment, considering going in. I could almost feel the warm cup in my hands and the laughter of people around me. Not for the first time I felt a pang of longing ness to be normal. Pure un-extraordinary ness.

But then I heard a noise to my left and remembered my mission, leaving the golden light behind me, stepping into a cold dark ally way.

I knew I was getting close now, my hands twitched and my nerves sparked like fire. The ally way soon came to an opening, which dead-ended at the back of an apartment complex. Through the darkness I noticed the safety ladder was broken and bent. A huge creature lay steaming on its side, glistening with water.

I snapped my umbrella shut and clicked a small button on the handle and as smooth and flawlessly as ever it morphed into a double edged sword beneath my fingers. It looked like a dragon, except without any wings, more snakelike, and iridescent scales flick to the skin. I knew what it was,  a Jabber- the original Jabber. It was dying, most likely from the gaping wound in its side. It opened one yellow eye for the last time and slimy, slippery voices filled my mind, slipped down my stomach and tied nots in my gut.  Ettthhhaan, they hissed. Killerrrr, Murderrrrer!
"No!" I screamed and shook my head trying to get them out. Yessssssss youu, you killed them.
"It wasn't my fault! That wasn't me!" I protested and backed away. Then it closed, and slowly the voices receded.

Shaken, I stumbled back. The carcass began to disintegrate tumbling into a pile of yellow dust, blown away despite the rain. All that was left was a single ragged tooth, about as long as my hand barbed at the end. It was a rightful spoil of war, a trophy for whomever killed it.

Except this was never supposed to happen. I was sent to capture it, and bring it back to my realms Capitol- Wonderland.

But I was to late.

Suddenly I noticed something on the ground. In a puddle lying three feet away was a chess pawn. I picked it up and turned it over in my hands.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a black flash and at the last minute I caught a glimpse of Amber hair before it was gone.

I was time for me to go. I picked up the tooth and pawn and pocketed then both. Opening my once again umbrella I pushed back my sleeve on my left arm. After walking a block or two the tattoo in my arm started to glow faintly. Beneath my feet was a manhole big enough for one person. I dragged back the cover and ran my three fingers around the rim or the hole after pressing them to my tattoo. The rim glowed and a dim light glowed somewhere near the bottom, so- I jumped.

Right back up the Rabbit Hole.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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