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I woke up, the clock was 08.00am and Janie and Jack was still sleeping... I walked down to find something to eat. I took out some bread from the bread keeper, and putted some nutella on. Mm mm! Delicious.

Hmm.. Wonder where my parents are? I walked upstairs and to my parents bedroom. I opened the door slowly so they couldn't hear me if they were there.

WHAT?! Where are they?

I ran to my room to wake Janie and Jack, to tell them that my mom and dad isn't here. When I open the door I see Janie and Jack KISSING?!?! What the hell??

''Oh my gosh, this isn't what you think it is'' Janie said.

And I thought they were my best friends. well I thought wrong.

''So can someone please tell me what's going on?'' I said Mad.

''Well.. em... know...em..'' Janie said like she didn't know what she was talking about.

'' Know what?'' I said.

''Me and Janie have been dating a few week now, but we didn't know how to tell you..'' Jack said looking me right in the eyes, and then looked at Janie again.

'' Why didn't you tell me? You guys thought that I would be mad or something?'' I said.

''Well yeah?'' They said in choir.

''No? Why would I be mad? I am happy for you guys. But I thought we told each other everything?''

''Yeah we do,but..'' Janie said.


''We didn't want to ruin anything'' Janie said.

''ruin what? The only thing you guys are ruin now is my trust to you guys!'' I said before walking down and out of the house, to find my parents. But there is one problem...I don't know where to find them..


I just walked and walked till I suddenly got home. When I arrived home no one was there. I was totally alone. Janie and Jack wasn't here, I think they maybe went home to they're own houses. Or they were together somewhere.

I'm just sitting on the couch doing nothing, thinking about mom and dad where they could have been. Maybe at a friends house or at work (by the way, her mom and dad is working as a doctor). But why so late at work ? And if they went to work, why would they go from party or wherever they were to work? No, not impossible... or maybe they came home then I, Janie and Jack were sleeping? I don't know. I took my phone and called my mom.

''Hi, mom where are you?'' I asked worried.

''If you want your mom and dad safe home you'll have to come to the mall near your house..'' A man with a very dark voice said. '' Don't listen to them!!!'' I heard my mom and dad yell in the background.

''MOM, DAD!! What the hell are you doing with my parents?! What ever you're trying to do you will not get away with it!'' I yelled as I heard him laugh.

'' I mean it, seriously!!'' He then stopped laugh. ''As I said, if you want your parents back, come to the mall now, alone. If you come with someone, It will cause you're parents a lot of pain. '' He said in a devil way. '' With 100 000 dollars'' What the f***?!? 100 000 dollars? What is wrong with this dickhead.

''WHAT?!? WITH 100 000 dollars?!'' I said with a lot of anger in my voice. ''Where am I supposed to get the money 'now'??!''.

''Not my problem,. Okay, I'll give you 3 weeks, and I promise to take good care of your parents. You can call every day to cheek on them if you want.''He said before hanging up without even saying 'bye' ... uh, I hate that. 


Hope you liked the chapther. I am trying to make the chapthers longer i'm really trying, but I don't know what to wite so, yeah.

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