Chapter 42: When Did I Get So Lucky?

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"Yes, mom, I'll call you when we're there! I promise!" I say down the phone.

"Have a safe journey honey. Love you," she says.

"Love you too. But Michael's waiting for me, I gotta go now. Bye!"

"Bye! Have a great time!"

"Thank you, bye!" I say.

I hang up the phone and pack the last suitcase into Michael's car.

Today is the day we travel to Italy - by plane. I'm looking forward to every aspect but the flight. I hate the turbulence of the plane, and how my ears feel when we take off and land. I've always been the same.

But I'm kinda embarrassed about telling Michael that. But... he's a doctor, so he'll know how to make me feel okay... right?

Ugh, I don't know. At least Jasper and Charlie will be with us for the journey, the holiday and everything!

"Oh, we're going to Italyyyyy," Michael sings, closing the boot of the car.

"That we are. Meeting Jasper and Charlie at the airport, all packed up, hand luggage sorted... I think we're done," I say.

"Sure are! Oh, our first vacation together, sweetheart! You excited?"

I swallow. "Mm-hmm, yep. It's gonna be, um... fun."

"It really is! Though I'm still having doubts about Mini. Seven months pregnant is enough. Something as big as a vacation could induce premature labour."

"Um... and now in English please?" I request.

"Basically, something like going on vacation could make the baby come sooner... like being on the plane. Imagine if it decided to make an appearance on the plane? Not a great situation you got there. But you were the one who said we'd be fine, so... we'll just have to hope you're right."

"We will be fine," I assert. "It's another two months until Mini is meant to be born."

"Those two months could be the difference between disaster and a smooth-running vacation..." Michael says.

I swat the air with my hand. "We'll be fine."


We're now at the airport waiting for Jasper and Charlie to arrive. It's 4:00am, and the flight is at 7:30am. We've got three-and-a-half hours of waiting.

So far we've checked in, sent our luggage to the plane and tagged our hand luggage. We've got to do the security body scan... things, and board the plane, obviously.

But being pregnant, and it being 4 in the morning, I'm naturally fighting to keep my eyes open. I'm having to rest my head on Michael's shoulder and close my eyes to get some rest.

"Ciao Bella!" I suddenly hear Jasper's voice.

I snap my eyes open and see him and Charlie rushing over to us with open arms.

I jump up, my fatigue seemingly vanished. "Jasp! Charlie!"

I fall into their arms and hug them tightly. It's been a while since I've seen them.

"Becky! Ready to jet to Jesolo?" Charlie asks with a grin.

I nod nervously. "Uhm... yeah, I sure am, Charlie..."

I'm still nervous about the flight.

"Great! Well, me and Jazz just need to check in and all that jazz, then we're free to roam with you before we board the flight!" Charlie says.

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