Part 21

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Krystal POV.

"Oh my god Jimin, tell me that thing wasn't happen just now?" Because I did not know that was coming though yet my brain can't digest anything came out from your mouth, Park Jimin.

"What thing?" Jimin was playing dumbfounded, ugh.

"Tell me that you were just kidding about that thing?!" I half yelled, god I just can't understand why did he was trying to play dumbfounded about that shitty he was telling.

Smiling, he patted my head and "Yeah it was just a stupid joke."

"Ugh thanks God for that Jimin, I'm going to run from you if that's real" Finally, I felt relieved when knowing that was just a stupid joke created by stupid Jimin.

"Ugh come on, Min Krsytal?" Jimin let out a big sigh.

"What?!" My thin brows connected.

"Why would I in the first place like you? Come on you are ugly monkey and you aren't my type at all" Jimin messed my hair, wiggling his brows. Great, I took forever to fix my hair and here he goes, ruining my perfectly curled hair.

"Oh my God, thank you for ruining my hair Jimin ah" Emphasizing the word 'hair', my lips pulled an inhonest smile for Park Jimin and he just laughed, seemed amused huh?


Jimin POV.

I was lying if I said my heart wasn't aching when had to tell the girl I have feelings with that my confession towards her earlier was just a joke. You know the feeling when you have the urge to tell a person you love that you really mean your words when you say you love her but you have to hold the feelings when you see that the person you love just hoping that your confession towards her was just a stupid joke created by a stupid person like you. It hurts isn't it?

That was what my heart was feeling.

It hurts. But I had to because I had no choice.

"Jimin ah, are you okay?" My spacing out session had over when Krystal snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Of course I am! Why'd I not?" Come on Jimin, you can do this. I exhaled a bit loud and pulled out a slight smile.

"Come on, we're going to have detention together if we're late for Mr Grumpy's class" I reached my hand out to give Krystal a help to get up when I realised that we only have 5 minutes to reach our class before Mr Kim's class started.

"Oh my God, what a funny surname you gave him" she laughed while reaching my hand and that was when I got the chance to see her cute laughter.

"Come on! We've got to run! We only have 5 minutes to reach at our class!"

"Let'sssss runnnnn!" She screamed in joy, her steps getting bigger, followed my running. I swear, this is one of the bestest moment had ever happened in my life.


Krsytal POV.

"If it wasn't me who reminded you about we're late for class, we will stuck at detention you know?"

Glancing at Jimin who was standing with his bag on, I smirked "Yeah right. So what do you want to ask for that?" I continued packing my stuffs, putting all of them into my bag and zip the bag.

"A kiss would be great" he smiled cheekily.

I stopped midway, "In your dreams Jimin ah"

"Oh come on!" Jimin continued catching my steps and soon enough Taehyung joined us.

"Oh hi Taehyung!" I greeted him warmly and he waved his hand in return. Jimin and Taehyung were basically talking about boys' stuff that I barely can heard them as I walked faster leaving Jimin and Taehyung behind. Group of boys waiting outside the school's gate came into my vision.

"Oh hi Krystal ah, what's up?" Jhope was the first person who greeted me at the moment I reached them. I saw Jin leaned against his car with his hands in the pocket. He was staring on the ground blankly, like did not have any idea about my presence.

"Hoseok, there's nothing up! But seriously if it wasn't Jimin who reminded me about class earlier, surely I would end up being stuck at the detention" I explained in one breathe.

"Uh seriously?" Rapmon laughed, clapping his hands at the moment.

"Why were you guys being late for class though?" It was Suga's turn to voice out now.

"It's just that uh"

"Oh hyung, Krsytal and I were late for class because we spent a good time at the rooftop, right Min Krystal?" Jimin interrupted me before I could find any words to explain things. Suga and Rapmon were making an 'O' shaped mouth, and not to mention Jungkook who was just arrived at that moment. Jin was heaving a big sigh, while straigtened his face. I could see his tight face when hearing Jimin's stupid explaination.

"Yeah right, we were having your so called good time Park Jimin till we almost getting into detention. So thank you for that" Others were just laughed seeing my responses but only a person who did not seemed amused at that time.

"Oh yeah, since all of us are here now, let's go grab our meals" Rapmon said while Jungkook "Oh my God hyung you're the best! You seem like knowing that my stomach currently playing drums unrythmically." While patting his flat stomach.

"Yeayyyyyy fooodd" Taehyung screamed in joy, he was swaying Hoseok's hand while heading to Rapmon's car.

"Krsytal, I have something to talk with you" and I swear, Jin's voice making heart pounding so hard.

"I'll be driving with Krystal, so Krystal shall we?" Out of sudden, Jin converted from a jerk to a gentleman when he opened the car door for me. All the boys nodded, but only Jimin who I could saw his face tensed.


Yeayyyy! It is an update!!!! So I hope this chapter wouldn't disappointing you guys. So heres the thing, Im making a new fanfic and its title is "Don't go" &&&& it is Jimin's fanfiction now. I hope you guys will try to make some time checking out my new writings and give supports as much as you guys support this one. Thank you for keeping your patience waiting for me to update. So yeah I love you guys for your patience xoxo!! Do votes and comments guys!! I really miss to see you guys voting and leaving some comments so yeah have a good day ahead guys!

Love you guys <3

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