Thanks (Steve)

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"Oh, my god," I groaned as I realised I had gotten my monthly "gift".I ran to the washroom and changed as I kept groaning about how there's going to be a party tonight (once again) by Tony.

It's normal for me because of the fact that  I am a agent at S.H.E.I.L.D and that my boyfriend is  Steve. How was I supposed to enjoy the party tonight? I flopped down on the bed, sighing.

"What should I wear to the party...."I stoop up, ignoring the pain cramps were causing and started looking for a suitable dress. 

--------Fast Forward------

"Okay, this looks just right!" I picked out a dress (You can choose one from the picture above). "Time to get ready!" I prepared my shower, undressed and got into the bathtub. I relaxed in the warm water, finally easing the pain caused by cramps. 

After showering, I put on a robe and walked out of the bathroom and put on my clothes. I took a hair dryer, and dried my hair. I decided to tie up my hair in a simple, cute bun that matched my dress and put on slight make-up.

Just as I was checking myself on the mirror, someone knocked on my door.

"Who is it?" I called out. "It's me, Steve. Ready to go?" "Yeah! Give me a minute." I took two of the painkiller tablets I had in my room, slipped one into my purse and drank the other. Walked briskly to the door as soon as I was done.

"...." Steve was staring at me, speechless. "Uh, Steve? Earth to Steve?" Still no response. "I saw your shield drop down from your room's window earlier in the day!" That snapped Steve out of his speechless state. "What?!" "No, I was joking, I wanted to snap you out of it. Why were you speechless?" I ask, giggling slightly. "Oh, um you just looked...." "Looked?..." I encouraged him to go on. "Stunning." "Aw thanks, you're the best, let's go," I pecked his cheek and he held my hand as we made our way to the venue where Tony's party was being held at.

--------Fast Forward-------
"Ugh....." The party was in full blast now, everyone was dancing except for a few who were either drinking or chatting. Too bad for me, the music had made me have a headache.

Groaning, I walked over to Natasha, and told her to inform Steve that I had returned to my room since I'm not feeling the best. She nodded and patted my back, "get well soon," I flashed her a weak smile and made my way back to my room after thanking her.

~Back in the room~

"It hurts...." I groan, my voice muffled by the pillow. I had changed into my pajamas, took another painkiller and laid on my bed, not locking the door in case Steve came in.

"Y/N, I'm coming in." Steve called. "Okay," I replied weakly. Steve walked in, locked the door and settled down beside me. "Is it... The.... Gift of the month?" Steve asked uncomfortably. "Yeah, right, "gift of the month." More like the "monthly punishment," I complain, hugging my pillow.

"I'm sorry that you couldn't enjoy the party because of me," "Its not your fault. I wanted to spend time with you, and it was too noisy at the party, anyway," Steve assured. Smiling, I snuggled closer to Steve when he laid down beside me. I'll go after you fall---"

"No! Sleep here for tonight, please!" I beg him. He became shocked, but eventually agreed. "It's gonna be alright, I promise," Steve whispered, stroking my hair. Listening to his sweet words of comfort, I fell into a deep slumber.

This is another  imagine for ImSlightlyObsessed ! I hope you liked it! I'm sorry if the imagine sucked, it's once again "the gift of my month." *groan* WHY MUST I SUFF-- okay. I will not rant. Goodnight, guys! I have to go! Bye!

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