The othere Phantomhive demon(Black Butler Fanfic.)

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It was a cold night and as she walked down the deserted road she couldn’t help but think if she was doing the right thing. Who would want to hire an eighteen year old that came off the street? She had worked many maid and cook jobs since she was thirteen but she had outlived her welcome in many homes because she was too beautiful for the wives of lords to want around. She was going to a house on the outskirts of London now to see if the lord of that house would hire her. If he didn’t then she didn’t know where to go. She sighs to herself as she walked the long path in the dark in the forest. She should have waited until morning but then she wouldn’t get there until midday and the lord of the house might be out. There was a bang and she could hardly see a house up the road. “Who goes there?” a male voice yells. “I’m looking to talk to the lord of this house.” She says once she gets into the garden. It was empty and a man in a chef’s jacket had a gun pointed at her.

          “What do you want with the young master?” a maid asks as she walks from behind the chef. She look at the ground. He didn’t need a cook or a maid. “I was looking for…..” she started but a man in tail coats come walking over. “What is all the fuss over?” he asks and he walks over to the maid and chef. “This girl was walking down the road and we saw her from the kitchen wile fixing dinner like you asked us Sebastian.” The chef says. She takes a few steps back to avoid any harm that might come. Sebastian looks at her and she gasp when she sees his pink/ purple eyes. “I’m sorry to come I’ll go.” She says before turning and walking away. Her stomach growls loudly but she ignores it as she walks away. “Miss stop. Why did you come here?” Sebastian asks. She turns around slowly to look at him. “I was looking for a job. I see you have a cook and a maid so I’ll be going.” She says.

          After walking a few steps away she feels a hand on her arm. “Mey-Rin you and Bard take her to the kitchen and give her some food. After the young master’s guest is gone I will take her to see him about getting a job.” Sebastian says as he pulls her to the house. Mey-Rin walks over and takes her hand and leads her to the kitchen. “Sebastian normally sends people away when they look for jobs here.” Mey-Rin says as they walk. She didn’t say much and once in the kitchen she sees a boy with blond hair was already in the kitchen. Mey-Rin set her in a chair and started to put some bread on a plate. She watched as they cut the chaired meat into thin strips. “Are you making Donburi?” she asks. They stop to look at her. “Is that what it’s called? Sebastian just told us to do it like this.” Bard says. She gives a small laugh.

          “Most people outside of Japan don’t know how to make Donburi. It is rather a simple meal to make.” She says. Bard looks at her in confusion before going back to cutting the meat and stacking it in the bowls. She watched and was soon snacking on the bread that Mey-Rin had given her. Sebastian comes to get the three to great the guest coming to the house. “You don’t mind staying here do you miss?” Sebastian asks. “I don’t mind at all.” She says. He nods and leaves with the three out of the kitchen. After a while he comes back for the Donburi which she had been looking at. “I didn’t do anything to it if you’re going to ask. He did well on making it for his first time. Most people have a hard time making a Donburi.” She says when she sees him. Sebastian nods and takes the food. She could hear a commotion outside and could hear a boy talking. Sebastian comes back into the kitchen with Bard and the blond boy and an old man before starting to work on some sort of desert.

          She watches with fascination and he has speed that would match her own. She had noticed things about herself change once she had her birthday and turned eighteen but couldn’t put her finger on it. He smiled at her and got Bard and the blond haired boy to let him work without any problems. They must cause some trouble. Maybe there would be a place for her here. Bard, the old man and the blond boy stayed with her in the kitchen when Sebastian leaves with the sweets. “So miss how old are you?” the blond asks her. She looks at him. “Finny leave her alone.” Bard snaps. She smiles at him. “I don’t mind answering. It’s just that my age has cost me my job before.” She says with a small frown.  She remains silent as they talk about other things and when Sebastian dose come back he looks tired.

          “The young master will see you later tonight. So miss do you have a name?” Sebastian asks. She nods her head slowly but doesn’t say anything.  “Miss your name? Would you tell it to us?” Sebastian asks. “Hmmm ohhh my name is…..Lily.” she says. “Lily? Do you not have a last name?” Finny asks. She sighs and looks at the ground. “Not in a long time.” She mumbles. Sebastian walks over to her and hands her a cup. “Drink this. You don’t look so good.” He says. Lily takes it and smiles a little before she starts to drink. Lily watched as Sebastian cleaned dishes and the kitchen. “Is your lord nice?” Lily asks breaking the silence. Bard and Finny look at her then to Sebastian. “The young master is kind to an extent. He will more than likely give you a job.”Sebastian says as he keeps cleaning. Mey-Rin walks in and Sebastian leaves to take care of his master and guest. “Sebastian sure is one good butler.” Finny says. “He’s the butler?” Lily asks.

          “Yes he is a good one at that.” Bard says. Lily smiles and waits for the butler to come back. Lily watches the four of them talk and they way they act. From what she heard Mey-Rin wasn’t a good maid, Bard wasn’t a good cook and Finny wasn’t a good gardener. The only people who were any good at their jobs were Sebastian and Tanaka. She might just be able to get a job here after all. Not if the Lady of the house wasn’t to upset with her husband for hiring a young girl. “Is the Lady of the house mean?” Lily asks. The talking stops at her words. “The young master is all that’s here.” Mey-Rin says. Lily blushes and looks at the ground. “Ohhh I’m sorry.” Lily says.

          Sebastian comes walking in and looks at the three before looking over at Lily. “The young master will see you now. Come with me.” He says. Lily nods and follows him down the hall to a study. “My Lord this woman was looking for a job.” Sebastian says after they entered the room. Lily was surprised to see a boy of about thirteen sitting there. “What can you do?” he asks her. She blushes a little. “I was a maid, a nanny, a cook and a lady in waiting.” Lily says. The boy nods his head and looks at his butler. “What are your thoughts Sebastian?” the boy asks. “My lord why ask me I am mealy the butler.” Sebastian says with a grin. He was standing behind his master and looked her up and down.

          “Sebastian don’t play games with me. Now what do you think?” the boy snaps. Lily looks at the ground. “My lord I think that she would be a good care taker for you. She would also help to keep those three under control.” Sebastian says.  The boy nods and stands before her. “I am Ciel Phantomhive your master and I demand to know your name.” the boy says. “My name is Lily, Lord Phantomhive.” Lily says with a small bow.   Ciel sighs then looks over at Sebastian. “Come Lily I’m ready for bed and you will get me ready. After your done Sebastian will show you to a room.” Ciel says. Lily nods her head and follows closely behind her new master with the butler.

          It doesn’t take long to help the young master get ready for bed. She follows Sebastian out of the room. “Follow me Miss. Lily.” Sebastian says as he makes a small hand gesture. Lily follows him to a room that is bigger than any room she’s had before. “If you need me for anything my room is right next door.” Sebastian says. “Thank you.” Lily says before walking further into the room. Lily had no other clothing but what she was wearing. “Miss. Lily do you have any other clothing?” Sebastian asks. Lily jumps and turns to look at him. “No. this is all I own.” Lily says as she runs her hands up and down.  Sebastian gives her a small smile then nods his head. “I’m afraid we don’t have any other cloths for you. We will have to get you some tomorrow. I can get you one of my old shirts for you to sleep in if you want.” Sebastian says.

          Lily blushes and looks at the ground. “I don’t want to be a bother.” Lily says. Sebastian walks over to her and places a hand on her shoulder. “It won’t be a bother Miss. Lily. I’ll get you something to wear to bed tonight.” Sebastian says. He leaves the room and Lily walks to the bathroom in the room. She had never had a room with its own bathroom before. “It’s so big and pretty.” She mumbles as she runs her fingers over the wall. She walks over to the big tub and looks at the bath supplies it has. “Wow” she says. “Miss here is something for you to wear.” Sebastian says from behind her. Lily turns to look at him. “Thank you.” Lily says as she takes the shirt that he is holding out for her. He leaves and Lily walks over to the bathroom again. “A nice bath would help me to sleep.” Lily says as she starts the water. After a nice long bath Lily changes into the shirt Sebastian had given her and she gets into the bed. She is soon in a peaceful sleep.

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