Chapter II

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This chapter is dedicated to AbigailBraga! Your vote for my story inspired me to write another chapter, of which I wouldn't have written without some sort of feedback from those who read my stories! <3


The sun was momentarily blinding as she stepped through the Arena's entrance, the way her sister's face found its way pressed against her back made it obvious that, she too, was bothered by the sudden onslaught of the bright rays.

There was a loud sound of metal sliding and grinding together as the Arena doors slid shut, effectively sealing in the 50 or so she-wolves that still stood gathered before the massive gate.

Tensions were high as emotions flared; anger, sadness, fear, a hurricane of feelings assaulted her heightened senses as she lingered at the back of the group. Danielle, for the most part, stood silently at her side.

It was only a matter of time before females of different packs would start to snap at one another.

"You bitch! Watch where you're stepping!" an unfamiliar she-wolf snarled as she shoved another away from her, whom of which did not take kindly to the vulgarity and manhandling. 

That was all it took for all Hell to break loose.

'That didn't take long, did it?' Danielle's voice flowed through her mind as she opened their mind-link.

She-wolves of all shapes and sizes flew at one another, going fang and claw.

It was almost as if they had forgotten what they were all here for.. and who the real enemy was.

Alexandria couldn't contain the snort that huffed through her nostrils as she linked back, 'I honestly thought it would take them a little longer.'

The twins, along with a few others, were the only ones standing off to the side of the massive brawl.

During the disarray, the few females that had stayed out of the fight had managed to migrate their way to linger by the twins; if anyone had to guess, it might have had something to do with the Alpha gene she had seeping through her pores. 

Obviously, this group was going to need order, and it didn't look like anyone was willing to step up to try and stop this nonsense. 

'Dani.' was all she had to link to her sister before she felt her take up her right flank.

By that move alone, the five or so females that had been drawn to them by her demeanor caught on to what was about to take place, and swiftly moved to place themselves strategically behind her.

"We've got your back, Prowess." the redhead that had taken up her left flank spoke to her softly as she bore her neck to her as a sign of submission, the four others following suit.

'Shame you weren't born a male, dear sister. These girls naturally gravitated to you and gave submission without a fuss.' Danielle's voice chuckled in her mind as she grinned from behind her.

Alexandria gave the simple incline of her head to the five females that vowed their submission before she turned to return her sister's grin. 'No, it's a shame I'm such a fucking nice person. I could let these high strung she-wolves rip each other apart and be easily taken by the males.. but instead I'm doing this..

Without an explanation, she turned her attention back towards the brawl with her head held high, her spine straight, her chest puffed out.. and sounded an earth shaking growl heavily laced with her Alpha Command.


That was more than adequate in getting multiple bodies to freeze under her command.

"Look at yourselves! Have you forgotten why we're here?!" she began, her voice booming over the heads of the hushed females that now stared at her, some with their heads bowed in submission, while a few others glared.

Alexandria had no problem returning their glares with a stone cold one of her own, her lips peeling back into a silent snarl as she took a step forward. "The males will be released into this pen in less than fifteen minutes to hunt us down like dogs and claim their mates."

Her glare deterred the majority of the still hostile females, though one remained unwavering in her challenge.. which did not go unnoticed by Alexandria. If this she-wolf so wished it, she would beat the submission into her.

"I have every intention of getting my sister and I out of here, alive." at this, Danielle stepped from her flanked position to stand at her side with her head held high.

"For those of you who wish to get out of this alive, I extend to you an offer that is only good until the end of this game.. I offer you my protection as Alpha Female.. as Prowess." her eyes, shimmering gold with her wolf's presence, skimmed over the crowd.

"Pledge your loyalty to me until the end of the games, we will form a temporary pack. With power in numbers, we will be able to overpower many of the males and catch them off guard. Nothing is stronger than a wolf with a pack behind them." with this, she would begin to walk forward towards the large group, the five that had pledged submission and her sister right on her tail.

"I have no intention of keeping you from your mates, should you find yours.. and should you wish for it, you may go with him. This allegiance is to ensure nobody dies, because while I still breathe, no one will perish at the unjust hands of the males because they do not have a compatible female present." she could feel Danielle's emotions through their sisterly bond as she spoke; pride and sadness.

"Now, She-Wolves of the Games! Perform your submission if you desire the protection of this Prowess and her Syndicate! For those of you that wish to face these games alone, leave now!" she barked as a good portion of the females dropped to their knees, their necks barred in the ultimate form of submission.. while three or four turned and took off into the forestry. 

Only one female remained standing, a glare hard set on Alexandria's form.

"Who died and made you Queen?" the blonde hissed, her fists clenched at her sides. 

"Don't like it, sweetheart? Then leave like the others. Least you wish to challenge my authority." Alexandria snarled, her eyes shimmering with her wolf at the disrespect as she purposefully took long strides so that she could stand nose to nose with the loud bitch.

Go figure, the only one to try and challenge her would be the same female that had started the massive brawl.

Alexandria allowed her wolf to surge forward a little more, her fingernails growing and sharpening into claws while her teeth began to elongate and point into fearsome fangs. "Be on your way, girl. I have no qualms in beating you into a bloody pulp and leaving you here for the males to find unconscious." her voice was almost demonic with her wolf so close to the surface, but it was enough to make the challenging female back down and for her to tuck tail into the surrounding forest.

'Well then, looks like we have ourselves a ragtag team! Those boys wont know what hit 'em!' her sister's tenor flowed through their link. This made Alexandria smirk.

"Alright then, ladies! Five minutes until they release those hounds! We shift and head North as fast as our paws can hit the ground! They will fight for dominance among themselves before they begin hunting for females, so that'll give us some extra time. I want everyone to find some pine needles or something to help mask their scent! Let's move!" she barked, the power of her Alpha blood pumping heavily through her veins as she commanded her temporary pack members.

Without another word, Alexandria-along with the rest of her females-shifted and began their trek to the northern land of the Arena. 

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