Chapter 6- as chilling as the breathe of death

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"What do you plan to do?" I asks sitting down at the tea table with Jack and white queen. My tone somewhat un-believing of jacks pride.

"As I said, I'm going to kill her" jack simply reply taking a drink of his tea.

"Jack! You can't, as I told you before your not the hero of wonderland, you'll just be running to your own death" white queen explains.

"Well then if your so damn sure I'm not able, who is?!" Jack almost screams at her throwing his fists to the table, making the tea pot in front of me hop.

"Well" the Queen sighs, then slowly turns her head in my direction.

"Wait!" Jack says "you think that this little girl from London can kill the queen, over me?!"

Jacks word cut me like a knife. Piercing my heart and continuing through my chest.

"Yes, Jack! She is the only one who will be able to...."

"No!" Jack again screams staring down at me "she's nothing more then a little English girl who has nothing better to do then to gossip. She couldn't  hurt anyone even if she wanted to!"

In a split second I've jumped from my seat and at Jack; grabbing my buttering knife and slamming it between his fingers on the table

"Watch what you say jack-ass" I breathe staring into jacks fearful eyes. He quickly looks down at his hand and then back up to my eyes.

I pull on the silver knife to free it from its place in the table and take my seat once more, not letting my eyes leave Jack.

"Now that we have that all Cleared up" I say staring at Jack blankly. "When are we heading to the witches castle?"

"Well," the Queen shrugs "you to may leave when ever you feel you are ready to"

"Good" I smile standing from the table, "we leave at dawn"

I quickly turn around and head to the place I was told I'd be staying, with Jack.

"Wait!" Jack yells running up behind me from the table "why tomorrow?"

"Because, we need this red queen dead" I say throwing my hand around in the air "and it needs to be done before anyone else dies"

Jack sighs as white queen speaks up "she's right you know"

I continue to my chambers in a quick faction. I'm still very angered about what Jack insulted me with just mins before. I mean, a little girl from London with nothing better to do then gossip. How about working my butt of to keep my mother and myself well feed, because she's so drunk all the time she can't get a job.

I quickly find my way inside of the tree Jack apparently lives in and make myself at home, I throw my hat on one of the chairs in the living space then in hook the bottom part of my dress and let it fall to the floor.

"What the hell," Jack says walking through the door and picking up after me as I flop down on a chair on the far side of the room. "Did you not pick up after yourself in London?"

I ignore his comment and smirk to myself.

I quickly stand from my place on the white colored chair in his living space and walk over to him. "Where am I sleeping?"

He sighs and lead me to my chambers, which are big and bright.

"Thank you" I say walking further into my room.

Jack quickly turns to leave my room but stops at the door.

"Listen" he starts "I'm sorry for the thinks I said about it Elsa"

Is he apologizing?

"It's fine" I reply a small smile lining my face. "Thank you for saying sorry"

Jack smiles at me and closes the door behind him.

After a bit I yell jacks name to get him to re-enter my chambers

As Jack enters my bed room, I have almost all of my clothing off and my shoes kicked to the side of the room. I'm only standing there in my under dress and corset. Hair let to flow down my back.

(AN-by clothe off I mean, like barely dressed as in not dress up, or looking fancy. Elsa is not naked)

"Could you?" I ask pointing to my back where the draw strings to the corset lay.

I look though the mirror I stand infront of at Jack. Who is bright red just like myself. I can here him gulp from across the room. "Yeah sure"

Jack quickly creeps though my room and over to me standing In front of the white glass mirror and I pull my hair over my left shoulder.

I feel his hands slowly touch the strings the the corset and untie it. The pressure on my stomach quickly leaves and is replaced with a cold shot in my back because of the opening unbuttoning it caused.

Another cold shiver goes up my spin as jacks hands touch my bare back making my gasp and causing him to rove his hands

"Sorry" he says looking at the ground with a small bit of pink on his cheeks.

"It's fine" I smile "I liked the feeling of your hands, you just startled me."

Jack blushes deeper then clears his throat. "Um, yeah, okay..... I'm just gonna....."

And with that he bids me goodnight and exits my room. I don't know what it was but my body missed the feeling of jacks frosty hands on my skin. I yearn for it, his touch.

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