I need your love

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Derek looked at himself in the mirror, frowning and taking off the green henley.
"Laura, honestly I don't know if I should do this", Derek said as he looked at Lauras reflection in the mirror.
"Little brother, to be a werewolf, you're really oblivious, I'm pretty sure even a blind man can see that he really likes you. Besides, what's the worst that can happen?" Laura replied as she rolled her eyes.
"His dad's the Sherrif."
"So what? He is 18 now, legal", Laura answered
"What if he decides that I'm no good for his son and shoots me?!", Derek asked with a panicked look in his eyes.
"Grows some balls, Der. Besides, you know that John likes you" Laura walked to his gardarobe and picked out a white button down and handed it to Derek as Cora walked in the room.
"Where did you come from, how did you even get in?" Derek asked as Cora lied down on his bed and held up a key.
"I got one made", she said like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Of course you did", Derek answered as he sighs.
"So what's happening, is Derek finally asking Stiles out?" Cora asked casually.
"How did you even-"
"I've known you for 18 years bro" she said. "And besides, he obviously likes you too, like can't you sense the arousal coming from him in freaking waves when he's around you" Cora asked and Derek just shrugged while Laura gave her a I-know-right-look.
"He's a teenager, I thought he was always like that".
"Der, you're totally hopeless" Laura sighed.
Derek gave himself a look in the mirror, and to be honest, he looked good, before he walked out to the kitchen to give Finn, his cat some food. He then walked back to his room to tell his sisters goodbye as he took his leather jacket.


He currently stood in Stiles' room waiting for him to get to his room.
As he heard footsteps, he gave himself a last look in the mirror, before looking nervously at the door. Stiles came in and was going to go the bathroom but then spotted Derek and jumped.
"Dude, why do you do this to me?"
Derek grinned and said "Happy Birthday Stiles".

Stiles looked really stunned before he grinned as he said "You remembered".
Of course Derek was going to remember, he's been waiting for this for years.
"You have?" He did not mean to say that out loud.

Derek looked down at his shoes and kicked some imaginary dust. "Yeah", he said as he finally got the courage to look up.
He could feel the blush creeping up from behind his neck.

Stiles blinked.
"But why?"

Derek opened his mouth to speak, and closed it again.
After what fealt like a really long time, but could've been seconds he said "Stiles will you go out with me?" He looked into his beautiful whiskey-colored eyes.

"Like a date?" Stiles asked.
Derek nodded.
"With me?"
He nodded again.
"And you?"
"At the same time?"

"Yes, Stiles! Why is that so hard to believe?!" Derek exclaimed.

"Are you serious?" Stiles asked
"Like have you even SEEN yourself?! Your perfect freaking hair, your bushy expressive hot eyebrows, your adorable bunny teeth, your mouth that I just want to kiss all day and all night every day and every night, your beautiful green eyes that do stuff to me that I won't even mention, your stupidly perfect stubble, a jawline that could cut through rocks probably, and your whole body looks like a goddamn greek gods and you know what? Those aren't even the things that made me fall in love with you, Sourwolf!" Stiles shouted.

Derek looked stunned, before he smiled and asked sheepislhy
"You're in love with me?"

Stiles looked at him
"That's what you took, from the entire speach?" He looked down and blushed.
"And yes", he said as he looked Derek in the eyes.

Derek took the few steps that still were inbetween them and closed the distance betweem them as he kissed him.
Stiles immideatly kissed back and hooked his arms around Dereks neck.
When they broke apart to get some air, Derek leaned his forehead against Stiles'.
"Is that a yes?"
Stiles rolled his eyes, but smiled nonetheless.


"I'll pick you up at seven" as he planted one last kiss on Stiles' lips before he got out through the window.


"Hey, it's Derek!"

"Yeah I know, big bro, there is a thing called 'Caller ID', I don't know, maybe you heard about it", Cora answered.

"Ha-ha, very funny."

"Well... how did it go with Stiles?" She asked unpatiently.

"That's what I needed to talk to you about, can you watch Finn? Because he said yes!"
"Stiles, I mean... not Finn."

"Wow, it sounds more like you've proposed" she answered.
"But sorry bro, I can't tonight."


"I've got a date", she said simply.

"With who?"

"...Isaac" she says happily

"Oh, I'm happy for you" he said, but he's pretty sure they both know that he's gonna be having a talk with Isaac later.

"Anyway, why can't Laura take care of him?".

"Because she has to work.
And I can't leave him alone because I might end up spending the night at Stiles'".

"Oooh, Derek's gonna get some" she says.

"Please never say that again...


"Whatever" and Derek could practically hear her rolling her eyes.

"I guess I'll just leave him at Mrs. Stansons. Well, I gotta go."

"Bye, love ya", she says.

"Love you too", he said as he hung up.


Stiles and Derek were walking in the preserve, they had dinner and it was still really hot outside.
And of course, Derek was wearing his leather jacket.

"Pleease take that off! I get hot when I look at you" Stiles exlaimed before he realized how that sounded and looked at Derek with wide eyes.
Derek froze before he burst in laughter, and soon enough, Stiles joined him.


Spoiler alert: Derek did end up getting some that night. ;)

I need your love - Sterek (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now