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WARNINGS: Feels. Drama. 

AN: Sooo another oneshot! Hope you guys like it! If you have a cool idea or something, let me know and I might write it! I'll give you credit of course! Hope you all are doing great! x

'Niall, we can't keep doing this, and you know it too!'

'Haz, babe, just listen to me for a sec.'

'No, you listen to me, Niall Horan! We have been married for years! For years I have dealt with your shit, but I can't take it anymore!'

The silence that occurred between the two of them was deafening.

They both looked at each other, Harry enraged, Niall at the verge of crying. They couldn't keep going like that.

After all, it wasn't their first fight. Oh, not at all!

They had been married for about six years, and about a year after their wedding, the fights had started. They fought about anything and everything: money, kids (they didn't even have), chores, parents....

But mainly, they fought about Niall. And about how Niall just couldn't be faithful.

Yes, that's right, Niall cheated on Harry on a regular basis.

The first time Harry found out, it broke his heart.

They had been married for just a year, when Harry started feeling like something was wrong. Niall started coming home late, started not texting Harry back. Every time he hugged Harry, the scent of cheap aftershave lingered on his skin. And one time, when Harry was undressing him, completely ready to have sex, he could've sworn he smelled cigarettes.

But Niall didn't smoke.

And neither did he.

Needless to say, Niall didn't get any that night.

All the signs were there, but Harry refused to believe it. His Niall, his sweet husband would never cheat on him. No. it couldn't be true.

But it was.

Three days later, Harry found a text in Niall's phone. The words on the screen broke Harry's heart.

Yo, can u ditch that husband of yours for a sec? I want some.

Harry screamed at Niall. He hit him and he slammed the door. He screamed that Niall was a cheating bastard.

Niall yelled too. That it didn't mean anything, and that he only loved Harry.

Harry didn't want to fall for it. He really didn't.

But, he loved Niall, and somewhere he still believed, Niall loved him too.

The second time was about a month later.

The same signs had started occurring more frequently, and Harry didn't want to have to check his husband's phone.

But he did. And he found new texts that broke his heart.

New fight. They called each other names. Harry even threw a plate at Niall's head.

Harry yelled at him, that he would leave if he didn't get his shit together.

It wouldn't be the first time he'd yell that at his husband. He'd never follow his words, though.

The third time, Harry didn't want to be surprised, but somewhere he had still hoped that Niall would stop.

Another fight. They screamed at each other all night, and Niall ended up sleeping on the couch. Harry knew he should've let him sleep on the street or something, but he couldn't do that.

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