Chapter Two

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Ethan's POV:

As we stroll tensely to the Big House, I slip my hand into Bailey's, and her eyes sparkle with thanks. We slip through the door last, and sit down opposite a boy I recognise from the Apollo cabin, and Evangeline, Sammy's sister. The boy has golden brown hair swept over half of his forehead and over, covering the other house. He is very attractive, but gods, his eyes. They are large, and sea green, with a few speckles of gold in. And his eyelashes are so long and strangely dark, they give his eyes the appearance of lion-fish. He looks up at me and blushes slightly, tinging his tanned, angular cheeks a light pink. I curse and look away. What am I doing?! I'm not interested in guys.

I fix my attention back on Chiron, desperate to find out what this is all about. "So, children. I have spoken with our oracle, as with Ella the harpy, and we think we have deduced what the prophecy means." Rachel dare sits up after an elbow from Chiron. "We believe that the ten of you must go across the world, and regain the gods' favoured objects, say for instance Poseidon's trident or Zeus' master bolt. Each of you will be able to handle one of the objects, but only one, and only a certain person, as after the lightning thief incident, the gods have placed certain incantations upon them. Of course, there are thirteen gods, and ten of you, so three of the objects will not be able to be handled. But don't worry about knowing who should carry it, you should know when you see it. Now, as we all know, most of you will make it out of this alive". I look around anxiously at the other demigods. A lot of them I already know, as they are kids of the seven, but the others still look so innocent, so undeserving to die. "So please be careful. Some of the minor gods may be able to help you, but don't count on a lot of help, an evil force is about. Now get to bed, you set off at sunrise". he says, waving us off. 

We walk slowly out of the building, and mill around for a while, getting to know one and other. There are seven legacies here, me, George - son of Grover and Juniper, Gabriella - daughter of Piper and Jason, Evangeline and Sammy - kids of Hazel and Frank, Milo - son of Calypso and Leo, and Bianca - adopted daughter of Will and Nico, and three demigods, the son of Apollo who introduces himself as Taylor, a daughter of Thanatos with choppy dark hair, pale face and dark eyes called Lee, and finally Bailey, a daughter of Morpheus who happens to be my girlfriend. She has long, brown hair and misty blue eyes that always sparkle with excitement.

I slip my hands into my blue skinny jean pockets and hang my head, dreading the months to come, wondering if I'll make it out alive. I don't notice where I am until I bang head first into the Zeus cabin. Cursing profusely, I duck into my cabin, and quietly close the door, hoping not to disturb my cabin mates. I slip in between my sheets, clothes still on, and immediately fall into a restless sleep.

Lee's POV:

I awake early, as always, but today, since we set off at sunrise, I am not the first to be at Thalia's tree. As I silently make my way up there alone, I spot five others gathered at the top, speaking nervously. Taylor, the son of Apollo is there, that much I expected, but also his friend, Evangeline, the daughter of Hazel and Frank is there, as long with her brother Sammy, and also Percy and Annabeth's son Ethan, along with his girlfriend Bailey. I silently slip behind them all, into the trees, but am interrupted by Sammy, a tall, 16 year old with dark skin, slightly ruffled brown hair, large brown eyes that remind me of a puppy, and a mischievous smirk that is so evident upon troublemakers. "Guess you don't like interaction with other humans much, do ya?" he asks, leaning against a tree trunk, obviously finding my antisociality hilarious. "I'm not much of a people person. Yourself?" I say, trying to put on a caring voice. "Nah, me neither. It makes them harder to steal from" he says, showing his pearly white teeth as he holds up my black leather wallet. "Hey!" I say, smiling slightly as I blush. "You really should've been a son of Hermes" I say as he drops the wallet into my hands. "Maybe I was and my mom had an affair" he says jokingly, as I notice three of the others join us. "What, Hazel?! Not likely" I say, thinking of the kind, affectionate woman who often stops at the camp. "Well, they're all here, we best go and join them" he says, looking into my dark eyes and grinning again. "Yeah, we'd best" I say, slightly disappointed. We slip into the open just as Chiron arrives with Bianca. "Right, well good luck on your quest, children. I just hope I see most of you again. Now off with you, Argos will take you to the airport. Gabrielle, you have the money?" Chiron says, looking over us all as the sun begins to peak at the horizon, tinting his deep grey hair an auburn colour. "Yes" she says, after checking her bag. "Good. Now off with you, and for those of you who will never return, my deepest respect goes to you. I'm sure you will all be brave warriors. Good luck".

Evangeline's POV:

"Come on Taylor, it's obvious! You are so crushing on him" I say in a hushed whisper, as we roll out of Long Island in a bright yellow taxi. "I am not! You think I'm crushing on everyone" he says exasperated. We are both squished in the back of the elongated taxi (courtesy of the Hecate kids), with Ethan, Bailey and Milo in the seats in front of us, Gabrielle, George and Bianca in the seats in front of them, and in the drivers seat which has been elongated to resemble a park bench, sits Sammy and Lee, who chat mindlessly next to a perfectly happy Argos, who as usual has dressed for winter out in public to hide the eyes covering his body.

I face him and look at him, and he immediately cracks. "Okay! So maybe I am crushing on Ethan, just a little. But so what? He's straight, and has a girlfriend. I don't want any major crushes on people I can't have, okay?" he says, smirking a little, and goes back to gazing out of the window. I roll my eyes and smile smugly and return my gaze out of my own window. This is going to be one long taxi-ride for him.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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