Tiny Box Tim

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Mark's POV

Mark stared at the door. He Leaned against the wall where he had just been pinned. He was silent..the only noise was the sound of his heart racing.

Mark slid down the wall, sitting, pulling his legs to his chest.

"He said it again..." Mark whispered to himself.

"Does he really love me then..?" Mark sighed.."And why didn't I say it back?"


Mark's phone.

"I miss ya already.."

Mark smiled softly, he was about to answer when another text arrived.

"Man, I could sure use some Markimoo kisses right about now."

This made Mark smile more. Only a few days ago they were just strictly friends...It's amazing how fast things can change. Mark never thought he'd be so lucky. He was so open to being in a relationship with him..now his best friend, was his boyfriend, and he wanted to keep it that way. Mark guessed that Jack always did have a soft spot for him, he was glad he made Jack realize it.

"You can have all the Markimoo kisses when you get back." He replied.

"Tempting. But I want ALL of Markimoo when I get back...plus the kisses. Deal?"

Mark blushed..



"Do you really mean that?"

"Yeah...Why wouldn't I?"

"We don't have to move so quickly.." Mark typed.

"You're right..but you're so irresistible! And One day..teasing won't be enough ;)."

Mark smiled again. The moment where he makes love to Jack has been on his mind lately, but is he really ready for it? Mark didn't know for sure..

"I see your game you rogue! You just need to hurry and get back, then we'll decide ;)." He replied with another winkey face.

"I'm at the airport..I'll see you again soon."

Mark's phone fell silent after that, and he wished that Ireland wasn't so far away. He decided to pick up the slack and record actual videos, he had been uploading backup crappy ones while Jack was here, and he needed to get back to his all important fans. Maybe this would keep him occupied, distracted from missing him too much. So, he got up, and went to his recording room, where he spent the next several hours.

"Hello everybody, My name is Markiplier and welcome to another indie horror game. This one was requested to me and I just got around to playing it. Which reminds me that before we get started I need to talk about a few things. Nothing serious, nothing to worry about." He smiled and ran his fingers through his hair, adjusting his headphones. "I had some unexpected company at my house this weekend, which was the result of the short kinda simple videos lately and I apologize. BUT!" He said, clapping his hands together and smiling, "That company has made me the happiest manly man ever, and I ask for forgiveness as I get back into the swing of things. Videos should be coming up at their regular times and should have more content and yada yada yada...I'm rambling like an idiot."

He paused and stared at the camera before laughing at himself and continuing.

"Let's get to the game shall we?"

And hit the 'NEW GAME' button on the screen.

Jack's POV

Five more hours to go. Jack was sitting on the plane, looking out the window, headphones in his ears, tapping the drum beats of his favorite songs on his legs.

Markiplier x Jacksepticeye ~Like Putty~Where stories live. Discover now