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- Ill be writing in Ciara's POV always-

As i woke up in my squeaking old bed, that i bought in a secondhandshop, i stretched out my whole body and started rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Since i moved out, My parents kind of stopped the moneything, so this girl needs to find a job before the money is all gone. That means today after school i should go find one. But first breakfast, As i walk out of my leaky old room, In the most prettiest appartement in town, 'Just kidding ofcourse' I walk to the fridge and open it, whilst looking at it i sigh and take the still-closed milkcarton and start opening it with a scissor i took from the fridge, I grabbed a bowl from the sink that i washed yesterday after eating some spaghetti, and fill it with the lucky charms standing on the table where i left it yesterday morning. Whilst pouring some milk in my bowl i check my phone. 'No Messages' ..Yeah figured that. My parents where pretty upset because of me leaving, but they were never home and when they were, they were busy with themselves so. I finish my breakfast and decided to take a quick shower and putting on some new clothes for my first day at Beacon Hills Highschool. 

I took my keys and started my little Fiat,whilst  driving, I started singing a little and drumming my steeringwheel. In 10 minutes i reached my destination. I parked my car between a Porsche and a Volvo, As i open my door and stepped out of the car i heard someone rudely scream 'Hey! Watch the freakin' Paintjob..' 'You better watch your freakin' mouth' i bitched back at the boy standing behind the Porsche talking to a tanned guy. He looked at me from my head to my toes and i licked my lips and i wanted to say something but i decided to not make it worse on my first day and continued my steps to the building. I noticed a clumsy guy with a buzzcut and a pretty muscled guy with curly bieberhair. The guy with the buzzcut gave me a mouthwide stare and his friend smiled at me and i smiled back and continued going in the building, The bell rang and i ran slightly to the classroom where i was supposed to be, Econ. 

'McCall, Stilinski? You dont pay attention much. Especially you McCall, you cant play Lacrosse with these grades.' Coach Finstock yelled. I looked into the eyes of the boy who was called McCall and rememberd him as the curly bieber haircut, I gave him a little smile so he shouldnt worry and he nodded as a thank you. The buzzcut, as known as Stiles Stilinski waved a little at me and whispered me his name 'Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall' he said pointing to himself and his friend in front of him. I chuckled a little and whispered back 'Ciara Delannotes, And yeah i figured you were.' He smiled and looked back at Coach as he was yelling at a guy named Greenberg, No reason he was yelling at him. Good i already made friends, I hope. I decided to just draw some doodles on my paper so the time would go faster and yes it did. Lunch time! God, i love food.

I took my plate off the counter where i got myself  a piece of pizza and a bottle of water, As i was looking for a place to sit someone pushed me as soon as i dropped my plate i started cursing to myself, 'Im so-sorry..' 'Dont worry, probably being dumb again' I said as i looked up to the guys blue eyes. 'Oh you' i said with a bitchy tone. 'Yeah.. Sorry about this morning i never meant to be so rude to you..' He said whilst looking at his plate. 'Its fine just.. never mind.' He gave me his plate and smiled, 'Ill get another one, enjoy the taco.' I chuckled and nodded at him i felt someone stare at me and i looked directly at the persons eyes and i noticed it was Stiles and he waved for me to come and sit with him and Scott so i joined them at their table. 'Was Jackson talking to you?' Scott asked whilst raising his eyebrow as Stiles answered 'Duh she is hot,He talks to every hot girl.' I raised my eyebrow at Stiles and answered Scott with 'I guess that was Jackson then, and No im not that hot. just a bit' I said chuckling at Stiles, I noticed Jackson and a girl with strawberry blonde hair approaching our table and taking seats with us, The girl opened her mouth with a simple 'Well what is the gossip of today?' She looked around and as Stiles opened his mouth she said 'Guess not' and turned to the Jackson guy. I felt bad for the little fella, obviously crushing on the girl. i gave him a little pet on the shoulder and smiled, he looked at his plate and said nothing. 'And who is that?' The girl asked Scott 'Ciara Delannotes' I answered looking her in the eye sternly 'Who might you be?' I asked with an innocent smile. She looked at me like i was a ghost and she coughed, 'Lydia Martin ofcourse' I nodded and noticed Jackson staring at me as i tried to look away, what actually worked for him to stop staring. 'Scott, dont forget that iam picking you up tonight okay?' Stiles whispered but i still heard what he was saying but decided to say nothing, dont want to be a push-up right? 

After the last lesson the bell rang and everyone runs out of the classroom because its week-end. DUH. When i walked out of the building i saw Scott messing with his bike and saw that his tires were flatted. I walked up to him with a worried look and asked him 'Your bike okay? I can give you a ride if you want?' He looked up at me and smiled 'That would be so sweet!' I laughed and told him to put the bike in the trunk. ' Okay, you do have to tell me where you live, because i have no idea where iam or where i need to drive' i said looking with a confused look at the roads. 'Dont worry its not very far, Just go right, then you go left and all the way down, behind the big sign of Beacon Hills is where i live!' He smiled and i looked at him and chuckled 'Okay then, here we go' When we finally came at his house after driving 3 times wrong he opened the passengers door and looked at me, 'Hey, You want to stay for dinner? Mom is working and im going to order pizza anyways..' As i was surprised by his question i decided to nod and turn of the motor of the car. 'Sure, why not its not like i have someone waiting for me' I laughed uncomfortably, He looked at me like he was a big question mark but i waved it away and followed him inside. We immediatly went upstairs and i took place on his bed whilst he took his phone to call the pizza delivery. 'Oh by the way, we need to go with Stiles tonight, We are going into the woods' Scott said whilst waiting for the pizzaman to answer the phone. I looked at his photos and just nodded and raised my thumb.  Few minutes later the pizza arrived and i told Scott all about myself, why i came here, why i wanted to leave and all the stuff, I was fullfilled with Pizza and puffed, 'Full i guess?' Scott said with a chuckle. 'I started laughing and nodded once again. I heard a few honks from a car and i looked out of the window. 'Is that Stiles in that Jeep?' I asked with a funny look on my face that apparently made Scott laugh, 'Yeah thats him, lets go!' We took our jackets and ran downstairs, Stiles looked at me and then came up with a serious face 'You cannot tell anyone we are going into the woods okay?' I looked at him with a terrified look, 'Are you guys gonna kill someone?' i asked with a little shake in my voice. 'Yeah, Im gonna kill some werewolves' He snorted and Scott punched him on the shoulder. 'We are just going to look for some plants for my boss' Scott said calmly, 'Mmmh..Okay.. i guess.' I sat back and Stiles started driving into the woods after a while we reached a house that seemed burned. I stepped out of the Jeep and looked at the house surrounded by ashes and walked closer towards it. Scott saw it and wanted to yell something but another voice came between it and asked me 'Who are you and what are you doing here?!' A dark figure appeared and i took some steps back but when the figure came into the light.......

-Yay i finished my first chapter, so what do you think? please be a little gentle, English is not a language i learned in school, or at home so, just trying, any tips, any advice on writing please do tell me. You ready for the next chapter? :) Lots of love ! x Usha

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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