Chaos Commissar story [warhammer40k] [unfinished]

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It felt good to slit his throat as he screamed for mercy, I offered his damned soul to Khorne and wiped my blade on his shoulder. Unlike the more fanatic followers of my god I do not partake in the blood of my victims, I believe all blood is the property of Khorne and one should not steal from a being of power lest they feel its wrath.

I always did enjoy killing, even from a young age I would go out of my way to crush bugs or when no one was around I would kick the family cat, poor mittens, I butchered him during my first sacrifice to The Blood God.

My victim’s throat was slowly stopping its blood trickle so I turned him upside down against the wall to let all the blood leave its fleshy vessel. He was one of four family members I had offered to Him. I had best make my escape before the planetary militia were alerted to this place and prevent me from liberating more vessels of their red wealth. The back door was still unlocked from when I entered so I decided to exit that way. Before leaving I offered up a prayer to my dark master and quietly sped from the scene. They would after all expect me to investigate the killings and I would have to be at home when the militia arrived in order to receive them. It was unbecoming of a commissar to be found coming home covered in the blood of his victims, what would the neighbours think?

A knock at the door alerted Commissar Charles Ferren to the presence of the militia. He opened the door for the two dark green clad men and welcomed them warmly. “Good evening gentlemen, can I help you with something?” the men were flushed and out of breath, they must have run from the murder scene to alert him “Come in, come in out of the rain.” Charles gestured for them to follow him inside

“There is no time for pleasantries Commissar, we have just come from the scene of a most heinous crime.” The ranking militant stood straight backed as he relayed this. Charles feigned ignorance

“Oh? Whatever do you mean?” he had to fight to keep a smile from playing across his lips

“The Blood Fiend has struck again sir, this time he murdered a family of four in the west sector.” The commanding militant was quite calm

“You don’t appear to find this news in the least shocking.” Stated Charles, the green clad man frowned

“I guess the string of murders has become so commonplace I am no longer surprised by such things.” His face portrayed puzzlement

“Yes, quite.” Charles looked at the officer as though he were studying his reaction “Very well lead me to the scene of the crime.” The militia turned and began marching down the steps as Charles retrieved his storm coat and cap from a nearby hook, then he followed them into the night.

I scrubbed the blood from my cloak and pants in the bath tub. The water was red with my work. I grinned widely while I cleaned my disguise, luckily the rain had washed away most of the evidence and the militia still hadn’t found the bodies.

I left the clothes to soak in the tub while I poured myself a glass of wine, it was a nice red, one of the neighbours had given it to me as a house warming present, I killed her soon after and easily had enough time to make it back home to again wash my disguise before being called in to investigate.

I sat in my study and faced the rain spattered window, lights shone in the distant streets of the hive city. Certainly the militia would arrive soon to alert me.

The house was as he had left it, the blood streaked the walls in glorious arcs and the individual family members were in their designated rooms, soaking the floors with their contents.

Every time Charles revisited a crime scene he found it especially hard to keep a straight face. He took great pride in his work and it was good to know it was being noticed. The accompanying militia stared horrified at the blood splattered walls and pools of red beneath the mutilated corpses, Charles removed his gloves and shook of the moisture and began the routine questions to which he already knew the answers.

"any signs of forced entry? footprints? foreign objects?" he used his most commanding tone. the militia stared at him with hollow expressions and shook their heads

"not that we could find sir." replied the ranking militant. Charles frowned in contemplation.

"set up a perimeter then. You" Charles gestured towards the militia grunt "contact the planetary Justiciar and inform them of the murder, request for a forensic squad under my jurisdiction at this address 411.6B."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2013 ⏰

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Chaos Commissar story [warhammer40k] [unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now