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Did you think I was not gonna tell my story of when my life turned into deep shit? Well you were wrong if you though not. So let's get on with the day.
I woke up one morning to the sound of a loud bang. I never heard that sound in my life before. I got out of bed with no worries. Every morning I would go into my mothers room to wake her up. "Mommy?" I asked as I did not see her laying in bed like she would usually be. I went down stair to only find a gun on the ground and blood all over the counters. When I got closer I found my mother in the ground in a puddle of blood. I thought it was just a joke. I knelt down on my knees in the puddle of blood, "Mommy? I know your just playing." No response. "Mommy the gun on the floor is just a water gun and all this red stuff is just tomato juice and ketchup" No response. "Mommy I don't like this game, please stop it." No response. I was starting to feel ten tears fill up in my eyes. "Mommy you just wanna sleep for now I'll sleep with you" I was already gonna start crying because my mommy was not stopping this game so I cuddled next to her and fell asleep. At this time I did not far to feel all that blood soaking my clothes all I wanted was for my mommy to wake up.
I never understood why my mother did that. Was it because of the bills? Those bills never stopped coming and with my dad working at FUCKEN IN N OUT was not enough. They were drop outs cause I came when they were seniors in just high school. Maybe they did not live their life to the fullest. My mom was a Cinderella living in a happy cattle with her Prince Charming soon taken over by the evil ate mother. Now every gun I see is called a stepmother

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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