Negra y Blanco

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Hello guys!! Thanks for reading my story!! My first one yet, so dont forget to Comment/Vote/Fan!!!

(I know there are some errors but skip over that! lol)

BAM! I tumbled out of bed with a hard thud, falling onto the plush white carpet. My eyes flew open, only to be greeted with darkness. As I tried to untangle myself from my pink comforter, my mom walks into my (bed) room. “Brooklyn Rose Jones, get up from the floor, and get dress. You have a long drive ahead of you today.” “Okay Ma.” I replied with an exerted sigh.

I finally broke free and stood up. The blinds were already open wide, basking me in its ray and warmth. It felt good (and freeing). I walk closer to the window, and glance out. Taking in all of the familiar surrounds, I committed them to memory. I always knew that one day I would have to leave this place I have called home (my whole life), but boy does time fly by fast. Feeling the prick of tears stinging the back of eyes, I reluctantly drag myself from the window, and headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

Almost half an hour later; room tidy, breath minty, and a relaxing bath; I headed down the stairs. Wearing a light green belted dress, with simple black flip flops, I headed towards the kitchen. Fixing my hair into a messy ponytail, I stop at the kitchen door, transfix on the image of my mother who had her back to me, while at the store making breakfast.

Olivia Jones, who at age 53 was a double threat with beauty and brains, from having flawless cocoa brown and silky shoulder length hair, to having her Ph.D. in Psychology, she was my inspiration to become all that I can (could) be. After the death of my father two years ago from cancer, she went through a period of self-doubt and depression. Only through the support of family and friends, did she break free from her sorrow, and gain confidence and motivation.

With a smile on my face, I snuck up behind her and planted a kiss on her cheek. Surprised by my sudden appearance, she turned to face me. “What was that for?,” she asked, eyes bright with amusement and adoration. I shrug my shoulder, my mouth curving to a laugh. “Only because I love you.” She kissed my cheek back and shooed me to the kitchen table. Just as I sat down, my mother set a plate of bacon, eggs and pancakes in front of me. My mouth watered instantly. “Smells delicious Ma, thank you”. 

She poured me a cup of orange juice, and herself a cup of coffee and return to the table. “Well eat up, you need the energy.” I dig into my breakfast with a forkful of soppy pancakes and eggs. (After breakfast) I was moving to North Carolina from South Carolina to start my new job as a Spanish teacher at the (local) high school. With my bachelors in Early Childhood Education, I was hired with ease, and I started my first day of work on Monday, two days from now. My bags were already packed and stored in my car.

I ate the last piece of bacon off my plate and pushed away from the table. I sat my plate down in the sink and return back (to the table). “I’m afraid Ma”, I said it would be my first time away from home for such a long period of time, with the exception for college. Being the only child, my mother has always been my number one supporter and best friend. “I know sweetie”, she replied in a comforting voice. “You’ll have to deal with a new city and new people, but you know that you can always come back home whenever needed.” 

My mother got up from the table, and gave me a hug. “Thanks Ma”, I responded with a mixture of fear and hope (in my voice). We both exited the kitchen in silence, each pondering our own thoughts at the moment. It was time for me to leave. Our conversation started up again once we reached my car, a white 2009 Range Rover. Safely in with my seatbelt on, my mother finally let out of her emotions built up for the past 2 months, and started to cry. Instinctively I reach out to her, only to be yank back by my seatbelt. “It is okay sweetie”, she said through a fit of sniffles.

“It’s just that a parent can never be prepared when their child leaves home to embark in the real world”. “Aw, Ma I promise to visit every chance I get”. Seeing my mother cry is something I try to prevent as much as possible. “Ok Brooklyn, but make sure to call me as soon as you reach, I love you!” I chuckle with amusement. “I love you too!” I started my car and back out of thedriveway. I rolled down my window to wave farewell to my mother, with the sounds of Rihanna filling the air. Driving off down the street I caught a glimpse of my mother waving back to me through the rearview mirror.

After about four and half hours of driving and one phone call to my frantic mother, I finally reached my destination. Green Meadows was a nice upscale apartment complex that my mother and I discovered when we traveled down here to finalize once I got the job. Parking in the nearest parking space, and got out. Dragging my suitcases behind me, I located the elevator on the side of the beautiful four story brick building.

Beautiful shrubs of Shasta daisy and coreopsis flowers surrounded the building, giving the air a sweet smell. While observing the view of yellow and white flowers, the elevator doors ding open behind me, startling me. I flinched back, almost losing my balance; I went to grab the railing to steady myself. Once inside, I push number three for my floor and with my bags in hand. Only a few short minutes later, the doors opened and I step off. Or at least I try to when this older (white) lady rushes past me to get in before the doors closed back.

Safely in the hallway, I turn around to catch a glimpse of this entertaining character. But as the doors were slowly closing, I heard a gentle voice call out “Sorry honey!” With silver bracelets, clashing against each other, with a flowing black and white dress, I heard the mysterious lady chuckle just as the doors closed. Totally enchanted by the encounter with the mysterious lady, I reach my apartment: 3c.

I had let my mom decorate my 2 bedrooms, 1.5 bath apartment, since; as she put it, I would ruin it with my ‘lack of coordination skills’. I only mentioned hot pink one time and she freak out. The thought made me chuckle. I open the door and went inside, excited to see she had done. As the door slowly closed behind me, I was greeted with the smell of lavender and vanilla. My favorite. Leaving my things by the door, I roamed into the living room. Decorated with the design of cream white walls that accented the sky blue couches and black throw pillows, it was lovely.

Beside the unlit fireplace, stood an oak table decorated with a vase of fresh roses. How the hell did she do that? I thought to myself. I toss my keys and purse onto the table, and located the kitchen. With the blinds open wide, the sun illuminated the room, bouncing off the soft pink walls to the black appliances. I ran my fingers across the kitchen island, the marble countertop feeling cool under my fingers, and made my to the refrigerator. Stuck to the front was a note written by my mother reading: Well to your new home sweetie! Don’t worry about the food in the fridge, it is still fresh! Love you sweetie =)….Mom.

I open the fridge, and true to her word, it was fully stock with food.  I close it back and went to gather my belongings from the door. Inside the master bedroom, I placed the bags by the bed. Decorated in the color scheme of purple and white, it gave the room a simple but refreshing feel. I threw myself across the bed, sinking into its softness. I closed my eyes, and let out the deep breath I have been holding (all day).

I’m in a new city with a new job and surrounded by new people. Well not all new people, with my best friend Ally Rivera living here. From the first time we met, in elementary, crushing over the same boy, we became best friends. And being next door neighbors helped also. Smiling at the memory, I jump off the bed to retrieve my purse from the living room to call her. ‘Hey girl’, Ally says when she picks up. My face splits into huge grin when I hear her voice. ‘Hey, how is it going?’ I gush out. ‘Nothing much, just sitting here on my ass, with a tub of ice cream watching TV.

What about you?’ Same here except that I am trying to unpack my clothes and get straighten out, and……’ her high pitch scream stop me mid-sentence. “OH MY GOODNESS, YOUR IN TOWN AND DIDN’T EVEN TELL ME!’ Ally yelled. I laughed at her out loud. ’That’s why I am calling now, silly head.’ Now with excitement laced in her voice, she was now perk up. ‘Get dress, were going out tonight!’ ‘Wait, what? I can’t because I have to start unpacking.’ I replied through a fit of giggles. I sink into my plush couch, and lean against the black pillows. ‘No Brooklyn! Get your ass up and get dressed, I’ll be there in an hour, bye!’, and with that she hanged up on me. I stared at my phone in disbelief. Ally’s brashness surprises me every time. Slowly getting up from the couch, and dreading the night ahead, I drag myself to my bedroom to get ready.                                           

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2014 ⏰

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