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Amos Reid Phantomhive Michaelis woke up at around 7:00 am. Normally he wouldn't wake up at such an early time but today was special. Amos smiled brightly and got up from his bed to go look outside. It was all white and beautiful outside, the trees were covered in an all white blanket of snow with icicles hanging off the branches.
The ground was all covered in the beautiful white snow. the lake from afar was covered in a thick layer of ice, perfect for ice skating.

Amos stared in awe at the outside, sure he has seen snow before but it always made him happy to see it every year. Amos quickly put on his slippers and robe to go outside his room. The floors were always so cold and slippery in the room as was the rest of the manor.
Amos ran out of his room to get Allie who was only a few doors down from him. The raven colored hair boy opened his twin sisters bedroom door and jumped on her to wake her. "Allie wake up! It snowed!" Amos yelled in excitement. Allie groaned and snuggled into her pillow more, Allie isn't a morning person at all. "Five more minutes...." Allie mumbled. "No! Now! Get up now!" Amos yelled and pulled the blanket off his sisters small body.

Allie whined and curled up into a little ball. Amos sighed and got on top of her. "Allie please?" He begged his younger sister. Allie opened her Crimson eyes and looked at Amos's begging face, with a sigh she reluctantly got up. "Fine." She grumbled angrily. Amos smiled and got her slippers and robe. Allie swung her little legs at the edge of the bed, rubbing her eyes. Amos kneeled down in front of her and put her slippers on. 'Just like daddy does for mommy.' He thought to himself.

Once when he was a mere three old boy, he couldn't sleep one night and went to see if his mother and father would let him sleep with them. The door was creaked just a little for him to peak in and there he saw his mommy sitting on the bed, while his daddy was kneeling down taking his mommy's shoes off.

"Amos?" Allie said, eyeing her brother weirdly. "Yes?" Amos asked, looking up at Allie. "Why do you always put my shoes on?" She asked. Amos smiled at her and stood up. "Because I want to be like daddy!" Amos replied.

Allie giggled. "Silly! Daddy is one of a kind!" She giggled again. Amos shrugged "I can try." The boy motioned Allie to get up so that he could put her robe on. Once he put her arms through the sleeves, she looked at him and smiled. "You'll be a good husband one day!" Allie said. Amos laughed "I could only hope." He replied. "Anyway! Let's go wake up mommy and daddy!" Allie said and grabbed Amos's hand, dragging him outside the room to go to their parents room.


Sebastian smiled as he watched his beautiful Ciel sleep like an angel. Sebastian smirked at the irony of that statement, for they were nowhere near an angel.

Sebastian chuckled to himself as he ran his fingers through Ciel's hair careful not to wake him. He studied Ciel's face on how peaceful he looked, Ciel's lips were slightly parted, his hair fell perfectly around his porcelain baby face, his pale skin looked untouched and perfect. Honestly to Sebastian, Ciel looked perfect in really whatever, whether it be in his usual attire, his nightshirt or even nothing at all.

Suddenly the bedroom door busted open revealing Amos and Allie who ran in and started to jump on him and Ciel.
"Wake up! Wake up!" The twins yelled excitedly. Sebastian chuckled as he sat up, grabbing Amos and Allie. "What's the rush?" He asked. Ciel on the other hand grumbled and snuggled deeper into his pillow and covers. "It snowed!" Amos squeaked in excitement. Sebastian smiled "really now." He said and looked out the window seeing that indeed Amos was right. "Yea! Auntie Erica made it snow for us!" Allie said smiling. "Mommy! Wake up!" Amos shook Ciel making him open his bi colored eyes. "What is it?" Ciel asked tiredly, rubbing his eyes. "It snowed!" Amos exclaimed, pointing at the window.

Ciel turned around and looked at the window to see the sea of white outside. He sat up and stretched. "What about it?" He asked looking at his twins.
"We have to play in it!" The twins said together squealing in excitement and jumping on the bed. "Do we have to?" Ciel asked looking at his demon husband who had a gentle smile on his face. "I think so my love." Sebastian replied. Ciel sighed "fine." Amos and Allie hugged Ciel tightly "thank you mommy!" They both said squeezing him. "Ok, ok, ok don't squeeze me so hard." Ciel said as he put his hand on his baby bump. "Sorry! Allie lets go get ready!" Amos squeaked and dragged Allie out of the room to go change.

Ciel sighed and laid back down. "It's probably too cold..." He trailed off.
Sebastian chuckled at Ciel's complaint. "It will be alright my love." He smiled gently at Ciel. He gets up and gets dressed himself while waiting for Ciel to make the move of getting up. "My love?" Sebastian called gently. "I'm fine." Ciel said and sat up. "I'm just tired that's all." He finished with a reassuring smile. He placed his hand on his baby bump and smiled down at it "I can't wait for you two to be born." He said almost like a whisper.


"Mommy! I'm too hot!" Allie whined in discomfort. Ciel chuckled and wrapped a scarf around his little girls neck. "Right now you are, but, once we get outside you'll be freezing." He kissed her forehead. "Do you think we could build a snowman then have a snowball fight?" Amos asked hoping his daddy will say yes. Sebastian thought for a second before answering "We'll see." He said, buttoning Amos's coat. "Whatever you guys do count me out." Ciel said, checking to see that Allie was fully covered. "Why?" Allie asked frowning.

"Because I can't do those activities in my current state." Ciel replied, looking down at his bump. "Oh yeah! Well that's ok mommy! You can watch us!" Amos said smiling at his mommy which Ciel returned. "Now I see that we are all ready, so let's go." Sebastian said and opened the big front door for his family. Amos and Allie wasted no time at all and ran outside to the snow. "Be careful please." Ciel said, trying to calm down the excited twins. Sebastian chuckled and put his hand out to his darling "shall we? My lord." He finished with a smirk. Ciel rolled his eyes and placed his petite gloved hand on top of Sebastian's gloved hand.
"Mommy! Daddy! It's so pretty out here!" Allie yelled, jumping around the white snow. "Don't slip." Ciel said, chuckling at Allie's jumps on the snow.

As Sebastian was walking to His love, he felt something cold hit his neck. He turned around and saw that Amos just threw a snowball at him. "Haha! Got you daddy!" Amos laughed and threw another one at Sebastian. He smirked and suddenly disappeared from Amos's sight.

Confused, Amos looked around him seeing where his father went. That's when something cold hit his back. Amos gasped and looked behind him. Only to get another snowball thrown at him. Sebastian laughed with a snow ball on his hand ready for throwing.

Sebastian threw the snow ball at Amos, but said boy ducked. A gasp was heard and the snow ball hit Ciel's back. Ciel turned around with a smirk on his face. Sebastian and Amos slowly backed away, both scared of what the pregnant boy would do.

All of a sudden, Sebastian and Amos got hit in the face with a snowball. Ciel laughed and threw another one at both of them. Soon enough the whole family was engaging in the snowball fight.

Eventually it was becoming dark and too cold. "Let's go back inside." Ciel said, hugging himself to keep warm. "Alright children, you heard your mother." Sebastian said as he picked up Amos and Allie.


After putting the children to sleep, Sebastian and Ciel were currently in the bath tub relaxing. Ciel was leaning against Sebastian's chest, closing his eyes as he relaxes. Sebastian had his arms around Ciel and gently kissed his head.

"Are we good parents?" Ciel asked.
"I think we are." Sebastian replied and placed gentle kisses on Ciel's neck.
"I hope so." The boy said, tilting his head so that Sebastian could kiss him better.

"I can't wait for them to come out." Sebastian said, placing his hand on Ciel's round and big belly. Ciel smiled and placed his hand on Sebastian's, lacing their fingers.

"Me too."

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